Chapter 19

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"Rin wake up the carriage is ready all your clothes are packed and, why are you wearing those to sleep well whatever come on we gotta go" Mein shakes Rin and she wakes up looking at Mein.

"ugh let's go but i'm not changing out of these clothes they're comfy" Rin get's up and the sun is still down for another hour or so, Mien drags her along hurrying her  so know one will know they left.

"Come on hurry before anyone sees us" once they get to the back gate Rin is already awake and in the night sky she notice that the stars look really bright. "come on we need to get there before sunup"

"Yeah okay" Rin says seeing the carriage, four horses and a very plain looking wooden carriage with all of their stuff on top. Approaching the carriage the chauffeur tips his hat at rin and she bows her head in return. Mein helps her into the carriage and inside the seat were red cushioned and very detailed pillows of a demon and a wolf fighting. "i didn't expect that the inside would be so detailed how luxurious."

"yes well it is meant to be a stealth carriage for royals in this family" Mien explains to her as she gets in herself and sits on the other side, "oh sir you may go now"

"yes ma'am" says the chauffeur and they hear the click of leather to make the horses go, and then they start to move.

After an hour or so Rin gets bored and she just stares out the window at the scenery and closes her eyes and remembers last night.

"what do you mean you're a girl?" Alli asks dumbfounded by what she just said.

"it means exactly what it means i'm a girl not a boy" she says looking at him like he was stupid, "didn't you ever wonder why i had long hair and feminine features"

"but you're really believable" he looks down disappointed at this info then has an idea 'wait if he's a girl why doesn't he have any...' he looks up a little so see his chest was flat. "you can't be a girl you have no you know any of those" Alli says pointing at Rin's chest.

"ah how rude i'm wearing a bandage around them" Rin explains putting her hands on her hips

"could you maybe, i don't know, let me feel... them?" he asks kinda scared of the answer.

"you .. want to feel my breasts, god you're such a perv no way" Rin says crossing her arms over her chest.

"n-no i just want to make sure you're telling the truth"

"i could just take off the bandage"

"oh yeah that works too" he stares at her expectantly "s-should i turn around?"

"yes please" Alli turns around and Rin takes her top shirt of and starts unwrapping her under shirt still on. once she was done she puts the bandages down and put her top shirt back on. and to look more girly she takes her wavy hair down which falls perfectly to her hips "okay you can look now"

Alli turns around to see Rin with her hair down and breasts 'god he looks so beautiful like a... girl'  "woah you really are a girl why didn't you tell us you were a girl?"

"i just thought it better to let you think i was a boy i'm sorry i-i" Rin starts crying "i didn't mean to deceive you i'm sorry"

Flustered and not knowing what to do Alli hugs her on instinct. " uhh it's okay don't worry i'm not mad and i'll keep your secret i promise" Alli says  now stroking her hair, and unintentionally feeling her chest 'Damn so Ren's actually a girl, wait if she's a girl i can marry her and have kids and... wait didn't she says she liked someone...'  "um i don't mean to disturb you but you said you liked a girl earlier but you're a girl does that mean..."

"huh oh no it's a guy i just described him in a girly way, in fact i don't just like him i love him, but we can't be together" 'one because he's a peasant and two because he's a killer, but he doesn't need to know this he doesn't need to know i love him'

Meanwhile in Alli's head 'so she does love someone i wish we could be together because i love her, even before she was a girl in my mind i loved her and now even more' he squeezes her a little more in his arms 'i love you Ren'

she pushes him away "i thank you but now i have to leave but i promise to see you again i promise-

"Rin we are halfway there do you want to stop by the river for a break?" Mein wakes Rin from her dream and looks around.

"yes that sounds nice, to stop for a little while, oh mister choffier could you stop near the river?"

"of course ma'am, woah there" he says to the horses. "here we are"

"thank you sir" Mein says as Rin gets out of the carriage and smells the air and walks down to the river. Mein shakes her head in disapproval, for Rin was wearing her commoner clothes and her hair down looking freshly washed "lady Rin please be careful" Mein says as Rin looks over the water.

"it's barely to my ankles i'll be fine" Rin says taking off her shoes and pulling up her black pants and walks into the water. "haha it's kinda cold Mien come join me it's fun" Rin smiles and laughs at the small fish swimming by her feet.

"Rin you'll catch a cold, please don't slip" she looks happy i'm glad.

I was totally late wasn't I???

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