Chapter 9

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"we're back mommy and did you know that Ren can use magic it's super cool he can use healing magick" Alli comes in through the door talking really loudly.

"Wow Ren you keep getting cooler and cooler! and Alli could you keep it down all the kids are sleeping" mommy says

"oh the kids are asleep i was hoping to say bye to them before i left"

"what you're leaving so soon why?"

"yeah why do you have to leave so soon?" Alli asks Rin

"I can't leave my grandfather for too long he gets worried" Rin says sheepishly scratching the back of her head.

"oh i was hoping you would stay the night till the children got up" mommy says frowning

"i'll come and visit if you like me too but i can only visit at night"

"why can you only come here at night is your grandfather strict of something?" Alli asked with a confused face.

"well in a way during the day i get trained and hunt rats at dusk and dawn, the only time i have off is when i have time to sleep"

"oh that must stink so you mean you would be sleeping now?" mommy asks worriedly.

"yeah probably, say what time is it?"

"hm it's around 8:30 wh-"

"WHAT i have to go it was good to meet you and Alli but i must hurry" Rin says rushing a round to gather herself and grabs her hat and puts it on. "bye mommy bye Alli" she says hugging mommy and Alli making him blush, again.

"wait Ren i'll take you home"

"no you can't i'll be fine but thanks for the offer" SLAM the door shuts and Rin starts dashing towards the palace. she runs onto the street and runs.

"man you run fast Ren i could barely keep up"

"Ahh Alli go away i need to go back without you" rin stops running pulls him off the street into a large ally way.

"why can't i just walk you home"

"ugh let me tell you something but you have to keep it a secret if you promise to keep it a secret"

"i promise to keep it a secret on my life" He swears putting a hand over his heart

"i work at the palace as a healing maid" she says whispering

"oh well do you have to go to work now is that why i can't follow you?"

"yes so please go back"

"okay i'll go back, but you'll still come and visit m-us right ?"

"of course now go back so i can go to my job"

"one more question how are you a maid when you are a guy?"

"what oh because i look so much like a girl they made me wear a maids uniform"

"oh okay see you later" he says running back home as Rin runs in the direction of the castle guard are still at the gate.

Rin runs around to the back and behind the vines is a hidden door that leads to the royal garden. she opens the door and closes it behind her. she runs through the roses and finds the door to the inside of the castle.

running quietly to the shower room to wash the ink out of her hair. she opens the door to the room and she takes off the servant's clothes and her bandages rinses the ink out of her hair she use her shampoo and the towel left there and all the ink comes out. She puts on a robe and walks back to her room and put a nightgown on and slips into her bed.

"hm tonight was fun maybe i'll sneak out tomorrow" she says to herself smiling.

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