Chaper 2 The Assassin

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(Assassin's pov)
Red flares the magick is wearing off and they're distracted, perfect.' the assassin jumps into the forest and makes his escape as Rin and Mein are distracted by the small red display of works. he was running to the spot where he was to meet his sorcerer, Arthen.

'that princess was surprisingly strong, and she was only 13 years of age, I mean i'm 15 and all but i was trained to kill and be strong she was trained to be elegant,and well, not be like that. what are they teaching female royals these days?'
"oi Alli how did the mission go was it a success?" says a man behind a tree holding a lit match.

"no...Arthen... she... the princess runs faster than i imagined... and jumped out of a 10 story castle window, probable because of her lineage" Alli says with a distressed voice.

"wha- how the- wait so the princess is faster than you an assassin? Hah! boy the boss is not going to be happy Alli. heh especially since he paid a lot of money to kill that girl." Arthen says with a small bit of tension in his voice.

"Yeah i know but i'm too cool for him to be too mad at me. we'll just do what we said we'd do if i couldn't finish a target before your magick ended, not that it has happened before, but whatever. we just need to target her four years from now before She becomes the ruler of this stupid kingdom." Alli says with disgust and venom in his voice.
"okay Alli we'll report back and carry on our mission but we'll have to leave for a year are you okay with that?"

"Hm i'll be fine for awhile"

"great Alli"

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