Chapter 7

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"that was delicious meal thank you for that i hadn't eaten all day i missed my dinner and breakfast!" Rin said a smile on her face.

'what the hell why am i blushing he's a guy and i don't know his origins' Alli thought blushing at rin's smile, "So Ren what's your last name and where were you born?"

"Hm why do you ask?"

"just want to know more about you" he says blushing slightly at his own words that he said.

"uh um okay i was born in Rentia and my last name is Leero. is that all or do you want know more?" Rin said with a sly smirk on her face which totally made Alli blush which he would deny .

"yeah what's your grandfather's name and where was he born and whats your middle name" Alli kept shooting questions.

"my grandfather's name is Gordon leero he was born in the next town over ,Hindo, and my middle name is Mein" Rin couldn't think of another name quick enough so she used Mein's name.

"you came up with those answers quick, Ren"

"of course because they are true" and she wasn't lying about it except for the names of course but everything else was true.

"why do you keep questioning him? he hasn't done anything wrong" mommy asks sitting at the table looking back and forth between them.

"for one he hasn't taken off his hat and he just looks so suspicious"

"i can take off my hat i just forgot too" Rin says as she takes off the hat and all of her ink black hair falls out in her ponytail and her bangs fall on her face and she brushes them with her fingers to the side of her face.

"wow Ren dear you look like a girl with your hair like that, why don't you cut it?" mommy asks holding her black hair and stroking it like it's alive. while Alli just stood there with a red face 'get it together man he's just a really hot boy you're 15 he's just 13 and he probably doesn't even like guys, wait i don't like guys what am i thinking' he thinks to himself blushing furiously, and shaking his head.

"Well i like my black hair and if i need a disguise i could just look like a girl, and could you not pet my hair it's kinda weird" Rin asks mommy who lets go and says sorry.

just as mommy let's go Alli grabs her hair and starts stroking it and even worse kissed it. her hair is perfectly dry and smells like her shampoo and one would think it was her real hair so she didn't worry about that. she was worried as to why he kissed her hair.

"what the heck why did you do that?"rin asked but instead of him answering she hit him on the back of the head.

"why did you hit me i was only showing my respect" he yelled back at her.

"Ren dear where he comes from they kiss long hair to show their respect unlike here we show by bowing instead" mommy explains worried 'he' might hit him again.

"oh sorry i hit you i don't normally hit people" Rin said truly sorry so to show her respect what they do in the castle is kiss the hand and that is what she did.

"what are you doing" alli says pulling his hand away and blushing a deep red as he holds his hand.

"well what i was taught by my grandfather was to kiss the hand to show respect" Rin says a small smile, she wasn't used to smiling, they normally don't let her smile in the capitol.

"right... wait i have one more question, how did you beat up two grown men when you're so young?" he asks

"i-i uh they were already really drunks so they couldn't hit straight so i punched them really super hard and kicked their heads hard to they were unconscious when we left them there" Rin said stuttering a little.

"wow Rin you must be a better fighter than Alli and he's really strong!" mommy exclaimed.

"uh well no i don-"

"well let's test that theory" Alli says glaring at Rin again for no reason. as he has his arm on the table ready to arm wrestle. Rin thinks for a minute about this and realises this was a commoners games to show strength, so Rin sits down and rolls up her sleeve to show a large scar going around her arm.

"what happened to your arm!" mommy yells holding her arm and looking at it intensely..

"what oh that nothing really happened i just happened to get into the wrong fight with the wrong person that's all may we continue with the test?"

"of course," Alli says holding her hand and blushes at the contact but keeps a straight face.

"ready, set, start" mommy yells and they stay exactly where they started , "um don't mean to be rude but I said go"

"we heard you we're at a stalemate" Alli says struggling against her she slowly lets her arm be taken over so it won't be slammed onto the table.

"Alli is the win-"

"you cheater you. you let me win i could tell" he yells at her and storms out the door in a fit.

(Here's a little back story if you're confused as to where her strength came from)

The demon king is her grandfather and he has demon blood in him, which is in her, her blood is less but it comes out when feelings are extreme, like anger, but she has super human strength and that's a natural thing for her.

^J^ don't hate me ~

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