Chapter 5

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'getting out of the castle was really easy, but i suppose the guards are looking for people trying to get in not out' Rin thinks to herself as she walks farther and farther from the palace and more into the city.
walking down the streets there were lights and music and people doing different things. some people looked at her and kept walking she found the city beautiful but she knew there was a dark side to every pretty face and thing.

walking down through here and there Rin saw an ally that said don't come in or you'll get hurt, but she went in any way. hearing things as she got farther in and she finally came to something that almost made her scream in anger. three children in a corner one boy and two girls the boy and one girl looked about nine or eight and the other little girl about 4 or 5

"stay away from them you jerk" said the young boy trying to look as scary as possible but failing miserable.

" Toni do somthin' would you, they're scaring Vina" Vina being the 5 year old and the other girl yelling at Toni the boy.

"well i'm trying but they look so drunk, bell" said Toni.

"hey little girl  'hiccup' don't you want some fun" said one of the older men.

"y-yeah little ones come here and i'll show you a goood time ' hiccup'  .

rin had heard enough this was wrong and she had to make them go away before they did anything that could hurt the children. "aahhhh ahh" Bell screams as one of them grabs her on the arm "hey you jerk let her go"

toni yells at him and the older man pushes him to the ground "scram brat" he says to toni.
Rins blood boils and her eyes change a little more red as the green in her eyes slowly disappear, as she runs toward the man holding Bell, she cuts his arm with the fan she had in her clothes.

"when did you get here you boy" he says to her as she runs and jumps and runs along the wall glaring at him and flips over him and hits the back of his head and knocks him out . The other man runs at her and she spins around and slices his chest a little and drops and trips him as he falls and gets knocked out hitting his head too hard on the ground.

Rin stops and sees what she did and falls to the ground. her adrenaline lowering and the green in her eyes coming back.
"wow mister you're weally stwong" Vina says with a large smile on her face and walks over and hugs Rin on the back, "thank you for saving us mister"
"hmh oh it was um nothing i was just passing through and saw what was happening and i couldn't leave you and just call me um... Ren" Rin says to her a small smile on her lips and her hat got knocked off when she was fighting.

"wow Wen you have such long pretty haiw" Vina says holding her hair which dryed perfect and it looks completely real and flawless.

"well thanks Ren for helping us" says Bell who is still shocked but is getting better, "wait Toni, Toni are you okay, Toni?" she says turning around and grabs him and shakes him.

Rin walks over and Bell is now crying "he's died" rin feels his neck and feels a pulse and sighs in relief.

"He's not dead just knocked out like those men over there"

"what oh but how are we going to get him home he's too heavy for us to carry" Bell says looking at Ren "what i mean is-"

"I'll carry him if you want" Rin says putting her hair up in a ponytail with her bangs still in her face, so she puts it all back in the hat. she picks up Toni "so where are we going" she asked putting toni on her back.

"huh oh you mean where we live, we um live in the um orphanage with mommy, big brother, Abel, and Lisi Vena's little sis"

"oh well... lead the way i guess" Rin a little unsure of herself.

"okay well it's this way, come on Vina we're heading back home with Ren come take my hand" Bell says and Vina running to catch up and takes Rin's hand instead of Bell's.

"wha- don't bother him he's carrying Toni back home"
"but i wanna hold Wens hand I aways hold you hand" Vina says pouting and pushes her bottom lip out

"it's fine i can carry him with one hand" Rin says to Bell. "are you sure" she questions

"yeah i'll be fine"

"yay Wen will hold my hand!" she exclaims

The walk was uneventful as they come up to the house one could hear people running around saying things like 'i am so worried' and 'where are they they were supposed to be home two hours ago'.

Bell walks in the door sighing and gets tackled by a woman around 30 and rin gasps getting the attention of the woman and hold Bell tighter.

"Bell dear who is this um young boy and why is toni on his back unconscious" she asks worried.


^J^ hope y'all like it ~

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