Chaper 14

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"No... Don't go... no Ren!" Alli had been dreaming and he bolted right up in a cold sweat.  he looks out the sky window, it was Morning probably around 10:00 by the sun's position. "what a scary dream i hope it doesn't happen" he says to himself "where was he yesterday he didn't leave did he?" Alli gets up and dresses himself and walks downstairs. no one was downstairs "guess they're out today" he says to himself going into the fridge there was barely anything "guess that's why they went out" he grabs a bottle of milk and drinks it.

he puts it in the trash and walks out the door the sun blinding him from the brightness. he spend his days like this until night fall that's when he gets to see Rin and he's the happiest, but he's in a foul mood because Rin didn't show up yesterday. so now he's sulking around the slums and catches the attention of some hoodlums in the area.

"Oi you" one of them yells at Alli who totally ignores them, which pisses them off.

"hey you bastard who do you think you are" another yells holding a metal pipe and this catches Alli's attention.

"what do you want i'm busy" Alli says not actually busy or anything.

"well when we call you, you should answer the first time" he says gripping his pipe tighter.

"well i don't give a crap so later" Alli says turning around and waving his hand shooing them away.

"Oi bastard that's not how this works" he says and his little pals start snickering, the hoodlum raises his pipe and takes a swing at Alli, Alli turns his eyes glowing from the magick and he catches the pipe in his hand. he bends the pipe backwards and the hoodlums drops the pipe "y-you monster what are you?" he questions backing away.

"i'm not in a good mood so i would have to be your worst nightmare" Alli says dropping the pipe and walks forward. "you might be able to alleviate some of my anger what do you say let's have some fun" he laughs a deep laugh, but sounded mostly like a child with a deep voice.

"you're a monster!" one yells and runs towards him swinging another pipe and Alli doges to the right and grabs his face and smashes it to the ground with full force. they heard a large crack and saw a lot of blood spilling everywhere all over Alli's hand and face which was smiling an evil smile. the other two start running and screaming an unmanly scream, they look behind them and one of them runs right into Alli and he was actually a whole head smaller than Alli, he turns around and trys running but Alli catches him with one hand.

"why so scared isn't this how it works?" Alli asks grinning and looking down. he throws down the hoodlum and breaks his leg and he screams and looks at Alli and gets more scared because Alli was smiling. Alli then stomps on his neck spilling blood on his shoe and killing the man. "now who's next" Alli asks to no one because the other one was running away, Alli smelt the air and smells Fear and Anxiety in one Ally way. he tracks it down and sees the man who struck him first in a corner behind some boxes trying to slow his breath and be quiet. Alli approaches the boxes silently without a sound and jumps on top of the boxes with no sound and says "this is a fun game~" Alli says sweetly and the man looks up slowly with a petrified face and gets up and runs right into a corner. Alli jumps from the boxes and walks towards the man.

"n-no please i-i don't want t-to die" He pleads to Alli

"you should have thought about that earlier" Alli says and picks him up with one hand under his neck so he chokes him slowly, the hoodlum looks at Alli and cries and Alli cracks his neck and he dies the life leaving his eyes. Alli's eyes lose their magick glow and he walks away from him.

Alli passes a barrel of water and back tracks and he looks at his reflection in the water. 'i'm filthy i need to wash this blood off or Ren might look at me differently' "... Ren..." he says and he takes off his shirt and soaks it into the water. he take it out and scrubs his face and his hands and now his shoes not that they were never really clean anyway. He looks at his reflection and the blood was gone "... Ren..." it was now dawn and the stars were coming out and he starts heading home his shirt in his hands.


Alli turns around and Rin was standing there walking up "Ren" he says looking down for Rin was considerably shorter than Alli.

"hey why don't you have a shirt on, it's kinda cold out aren't you cold?" Rin asks getting worried that he wasn't responding. "hello Alli?"

"Ren" he says again and all he could think was 'how cute is Ren and how i could just strip- kiss him, yeah kiss and not strip him and kiss him all over- just regular kiss, yeah... wait no i don't want to kiss him at all!'

"yeah that is my name are you feeling okay" Rin says now really really worried about him she reaches up and touches his forehead "well you don't have a fever and you seem okay but you're acting strange"

"i'm fine and you're really close" 'not that i'm complaining, and you have the most beautiful eyes'

"huh oh sorry i was checking your temperature" Rin backs away a little  and puts her arm down "are you sure you're okay you seem a little out of it and you have no shirt on" she says scratching the back of her head 'but it's not like he's ugly in fact he has quite a nice body with muscle but not too many that it's weird, a very fit... boy?' she thinks to herself.

"huh oh i'm perfectly fine and my shirt is right here" he holds out his shirt that has blood and water on it, he notices it and hide it behind his back and laughs sheepishly.

"huh give me your shirt is something wrong with it show me" she says looking at Alli and tries to get it but Alli is one too fast and tall and he holds it above his head and she jumps for it "Oi give it to me Alli"

"hehe no way why should i it's my shirt not yours" he says laughing and thinking 'god he's cute jumping like that but he's too short oooh soo cute~'

Rin looks at is and it drips something on her face and she wipes it off and looks at it "i-is that blood?"

"huh" Alli stops and looks at her hand and face and the men's blood was there and he thinks 'oh god she found out now she'll think i'm a monster what do i do"

"a-are you okay are you bleeding are you hurt anywhere" she asks worried and starts circling Alli looking for wounds "Alli answer me are you okay?"

"i'm fine it's just some red paint, some guy spilt it all over me today" He says looking at Rin wondering if she bought it.

Rin sighs "you should have just told me i was so worried for a minute you seriously scared me and don't laugh" Rin says as Alli laughs at her reaction and she hits him on the arm

"okay okay but i have one question" Alli says seriously

"yes what is it" shes says smiling sheepishly

"why weren't you here yesterday night?" he asks staring directly at her with an unfaltering stare.

"huh oh yesterday night i had to work an extra shift one of the maids were sick" she says plainly

"oh okay let's go to the orphanage i bet the kids are dying to see you"

"okay let's"

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