Chapter 3

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how boring nothing new and i just sat through another lecture about politics' thought Rin walking with her maid again Mein. Mein was still weary that the assassin would come back any day now , but the attack happened 1 year ago and no sign of him or them.

Finally getting to her room Rin jumps on the bed and rolls around like a goof and Mein giggles a little at her childish antics

"Mein do i have anything to do other than lectures about stupid politics and land and money and farming and blah and blah."

" no rin but you do have a meeting with a woman of high regard in the military and in the capital and her personal guard"

" the military and capital what's her name and why did you mention her guard?"

"well rin, the woman you're going to see is Elizvett Hong a woman with light brown hair and blue green eyes and her guard in her fiance Gilmber Bellord also a man in the military and very strong he has white hair and violet eyes"

"Hm why are they coming here?"
"i don't know they didn't say why they said they needed to speak with you and that it was urgent and nothing more"
"well that's strange" "indeed princess"

"excuse me princess, but the woman and her guard are here and they would like to meet you in the Rahool room so do please get readyand make your way down" said a maid behind the door as she walked away the princess and Mein finally breathed for they were holding their breaths because the maid startled them and giggled at each other.

"well she scared us didn't she" mein says with a smile on her face.

"haha you're right she did but i suppose i should get ready now and not keep our guests waiting too long" rin says with her smile .

rin gets ready and the start to head down to the room where elizvett and her fiance are waiting as they start to go down further the air gets thicker with tenshin. they reach the door and two guards are waiting at the door and let Rin through but not Mein.

"hey what do you think you're doing i keep her safe and sound, now let me through" mein demands

"it's fine Mein just wait out here for me and if i don' come out at nightfall use magick to get through okay"

"wha- okay i'll wait but if i get to suspicious i'm knocking these two down"

"ugh fine just don't kill them"
"fine i won't kill them"
rin walks through the doors to see a table and one person sitting at the table a man with white hair ' i suppose thats him but whe-


a sword comes clashing down near the princess' head and she just barely dodges the attack and it rips the top dress. A woman with light brown hair and blue green eyes in a dark red uniform with a sword is now looking at the princess.

"well doged for a princess with no training and in a long dress but can you do it again and not die" she swings again obviously aiming to kill but not kill her in particular just kill. looking amused with herself trying to figure out if this is the real princess.

Rin on the other hand is not so amused for she is barely dodging the blade. suddenly the blade goes in a different direction and hits the princess in full force.

Luckily the princess has watched the guards in training and picked up some good moves, and holds a royal fan which signifies that she is the next ruler. the fan has the strongest and lightest metals and wood from a cherry tree and sharp edges on the ends and if used correctly it could kill. she blocks the attack and the woman has a stunned face which says what the hell when was that there.

"how were you able to block my attack when you have had no training especially with that fan?"

"i don't know i just came naturally to me and i didn't want to die" "well i'm done testing yo-"

"testing me you mean you were testing me why would you want to

test me" rin says with anger in her voice. "last time i checked that was treason"

"i assume you know who we are But i'm Elizvett and he is Gilmber and i want to train you on how to fight today i was just testing you but meet me here tomorrow at the same time"
"what why should i listen to you when you just attacked me without warning"

"well you do want to protect the people around especially Mein don't you and yourself"
"i'll think about it"

"great i knew you would" Elizvett says with enthusiasm in her voice.

^~^ was it okay? (Thx for the 13 reads lol)

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