Chapter 12

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Running through the city was fun for Rin dodging carts and people as fast as she could. she makes a turn off the main street and into an ally and makes a few turns and hears yelling and screaming as she gets closer to the orphanage. finally arriving she sees mommy under the arm of a large man and looking sad and weak.

"hey mommy what is happening here? are you in some kind of trouble?" Rin asks as she approaches her and the man.

"R-Ren what are you doing her-" she was interrupted by the man holding and choking her a little.

"what do you know this pipsqueak? is he part of your little family?" says the the man holding her " i haven't seen your face before i'm Lorn what's your name pipsqueak?"

" i'm Ren and i want to know what connection you have with these people" Rin says glaring at him

"these people owe me five golden coins i loan them money and they pay back after they have used it, and since they don't have the money 'mommy' here is going to pay, with a little something else" Lorn says smirking and holding her tighter "unless you have the power to beat me up or the money to pay me back it's useless to argue"

"five right"


"five gold coins right that's all right"

"huh oh yeah five gold coins in total"

"i have one question where is Alli?"

"he's working to pay me back doing whatever he's doing and he's at work right now"

"he won't make it on time to pay the five coins will he?"

"no it doesn't seem like it" his smirk fading "why do you ask"

she digs around into her pocket and holds out her hand "here take what's in my hand and leave these people"

he reaches out his hand five golden coins drop into his hand "heh thank you for your patronage Ren" Lorn says and let's go of mommy and he walks away.

"mommy are you okay i was so worried"

"yes Ren dear but where do you get five gold coins?" she asks worriedly.

" hm oh that i have a high paying job but i can't tell you what it is" Rin winks

"hey mommy i'm back and i have the ... money... Ren why are you here" Alli says as he walks from one of the corners. "and where did those sharks go?"

"oh Ren already paid them and they left he was so cool" mommy says with a huge smile on her face.

"say where are the kids i haven't seen them yet" Rin buts in taking off her hat.

"the kids are in the attic hiding from the sharks, it's getting late why don't we go inside and i'll introduce all of them to you." mommy says holding the door open.
"kids come downstairs i have someone for you to meet" Alli yells upstairs and Rin heard shuffling and little feet coming down the stairs and they all line up in a row except for Vina who comes down the stairs yelling "WEN"

"hi vina how are you"

" v-vina you know that slimy bastard?" Toni asks glaring cutely at Rin.

"well of course she knows him he's the one who saved us from those drunk guys last night and he carried you home so don't be rude to him" Bell interrupts toni and hits him on the head.

"so this is the guy who saved my little sis he doesn't look like much" said a boy who was probably Able because the other one was a small little girl presumably Lisi Vina's little sis.

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