Ch.5 Bowling

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     We get to the bowling place to meet with his friends.
   "Oh h hey Rose.", Zelo said shyly.
    "Oh how is your eye." Daehyn asked and Zelo just glared at him, and I was confused.
     "It's fine." I said trying to not cry from my eye Nevis it actually hurt really bad.
     "Hey guys quit bothering her" Young guk said.
     "Oh I have singing to say, but please don't laugh." I said.
     "It's depends on what it is, so just tell us." Youngup said.
      "Ok, but I've never been bowling so please teach me."
      They all started to laugh until I punched one of them in the shoulder and they stopped immediately.
      "Ok so all you have to do is put 3 of your fingers in the holes of the ball and roll out and try to knock down the pins."Young guk said.
    Somehow on my first try I knoked down all of the pins."
   "Hey no fair try again that was just beginner's luck." Himchan pouted as he only knoked down 2 pins.
     I rolled the ball and I knoked down all of the pins again as I laughed when Himchan knoked down one this time.
      I had allot of fun and suddenly I hear Young Jae talking to Young guk.

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