Ch.12 Already

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Jasmine POV
After lunch,me and Anthony realized that we were staring at each other and no one was at the table.
"Hey Jasmine, can I ask you something real quick?"Anthony said nervously.
"Sure"I said ready to listen.
"I l-like y---you, will y---you be my umm my girl-girlfriend?"he said relived after he finished saying it.
"Umm, umm YES!!!!",I said since I like him.
"Do you want to go to the movies with me?", he asked.
"Sure"I said
Now Rose POV
After lunch I saw Jasmine and Anthony talking. I didn't want to ease drop, so I just ignored it.
Then I saw Grace."Hey Grace" I said.
"Hey Rose"she said happily. Then Jasmine and Anthony came up to us.
"We have something to tell you guys!!!"Jasmine said excitedly.
"Me and Anthony are a couple now!!!!!"Jasmine said so happy.
"And we are going on a date at the movies!!!"Anthony said finishing Jasmine's sentence.
I was so surprised.
"You two are already dating!!!!!"
Me and Grace said at the same time.
"I'm so happy for you, stop doing that, no you stop, no you stop!!!!!"
Me and Grace said at the same time again.
We finally stopped. And then Grace pulled me outside.
"Let's spy on there date!!!"Grace said.
"Ok I will go with you!!!!"I said.
Time skip to Jasmine and Anthony's date
"Ok I'll text them to see what movie they are seeing." I said and started to text Jasmine.
Me: Hey Jasmine what movie are you and Anthony seeing?
Jasmine: we are seeing guardian's of the galaxy
Me: ok
"They are seeing guardian's of the galaxy."I said.
"Ok let's go!!"Grace said.
Then we bought our tickets and popcorn and went to spy on them.
I saw Jasmine and Anthony holding hands, and I showed Grace and we laughed quietly.
After the movie me and Grace followed Jasmine and Anthony outside.
"OMG!!!!"Grace said whispering loud.
"How are they already a couple, and they just met today!!!!!"i said.
"I DON'T KNOW!!!!"Grace said still whispering.
Time skip to next day
" How was your day?" I asked Jasmine who was thinking about something.
"ANTHONY KISSED ME!!!!!!"She said.
"Really that's so cool!!!"I said trying to act suprised like I didn't know.

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