Ch. 25 YoungJae's Crush

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                         Rose POV
      I woke up to my phone ringing.
      When I answered it,  it was Youngjae .

      "Hey! "  I said.

     "Hey,  can we meet up somewhere?", He asked.

    "Sure,  but where and what time? "  I asked.

     "Can you come to the park at 1:00?", he asked.

      "Sure, meet you there,  bye",I said.
Then ended the call.

              *Time Skip To 1:00*

      When I walked to the park,  I saw Youngjae .

      "Hey!, what did you need? ", I asked, while sitting on a bench.

      "I wanted to tell you something, but please don't tell anyone. ", He said.

      "Don't worry I won't,  so what is it? ", I asked.

        "I-i l-like Jas-Jasmine. ", He said while stuttering.

      "Really?!?! ", I said.

      "Yes,  and I was wondering if you could do me a favor ", He said.

      "Sure,  what is it? ", I asked.

      "I was wondering if you could a-ask her o-out f-for me? ", He said.

      *Oh no,  this is bad!!Jasmine is dating my brother and I can't tell YoungJae that!!!!! What do I do?!?!?!*
I thought.

         "Ummmm..I w-will try", I said, worriedly.

         "Thank-you Rose!!! ", He said while smiling, and just like that he walked away.

         *OH NO,  THIS IS BAD,  THIS IS VERY VERY BAD. WHY DID I SAY THAT?!?!?!* my mind was going crazy.

        I decided to tell Jasmine,  so I went to our room.

       When I got there she was sitting on her bed watching TV.

       "Hey Jasmine,  I need to tell you something,  but please do not freak out. ", I said as fast as I could.

       "Okay? ", she said confused.

        "Ummmm... ", I said trying to stall.

        "Ummm.. What?,  just tell me already!!! ", she said.

         "Someone likes you", I said so fast.

          "What?, all I heard was someone. ", She said.

          " I said, someone likes you", I said alittle slower.

         "Who?!?!? ", She asked.

        "Y-YoungJae.", I said.

        "YoungJae?, are you sure?, because I thought he liked you from what I heard. ", She said.

        "YES I AM SURE,  HE LITTERLY JUST TOLD ME!!!!", I said.

         "Oh,  ummmmm... ", she said.

          "And he wants to know if you will go out with him"  I said.

          " Well... I'm kinda in a relationship. ", she said.

          "I know,  but what am I supposed to tell him?!?!?, that you are dating my brother?!?! ", I asked.

           "NOOO!!!!,  just tell him that I'm not ready to date,  it's that simple!!!"  Jasmine said.

           "OK,  I will tell him. ", then I grabbed my phone and called him.

           "Hello? ", He said.

           "Hey,  it's Rose. ", I said.

           "Oh,  did you ask her yet? ", he asked.

           "Yeah,  I did", I said.

          "What did she say? ", he asked.

          "Well.... ", I said.

         "She said no didn't she? ", he said in a sad tone.

         "No,  she didn't say no,  but she didn't say yes either. ", I said.

         "So she said maybe? ", he asked.

        "Not really", I said.

        "Then what did she say? ", he asked confused.

         "She said she isn't ready to date anyone right now,  I'm sorry", I said.

        "It's fine,  I will wait until she is ready,  and thank-you for asking her. "  He said.

     "Your welcome,  I've got to go,  so bye. ",I said.

     "OK,  Bye", He said.

    Then I ended the call.
Hey guys, I'm really sorry that I have not posted in a while,  thank-you for reading my book,  and I hope you have been enjoying reading my book,  I am going to try and update more often,  so hang in there please😁😄

Love War With B.A.P Ft. BTSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang