Ch.18 The Chaos

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           Just when we were about to leave, my brother came running behind me.

           "Hey, what are you doing stop hiding behind me plz.", I said.

           "No, i can't, mom is going to kill me, so plz hide me.", he said

            "What did you do?",I asked him.

            "Well, I kind of talked back to her really bad, and now I'm scared of her.", he said.

           Then after I was laughing, I saw my mom walking.

           "JEON JUNGKOOK, WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!", My mom yelled, but luckily, there was not alot of people here, or else I would've been embarrassed.

           Then my mom came over to us, and then looked at Raman as soon as she came over.

            "What are you doing here Raman?", my mom asked.

             "I'm here to see Jin, and what are you doing here mom?", Raman asked.

             "MOM?", me and Jungkook said in sync so confused.

              "Yes?", my mom asked.

               "Wait so Raman is our sister?", Jungkook asked.

               "Oh, yeah, she is your sister, SURPRISE!!!!!", she said while doing jazz hands.

                 "YEAH!!!!!!",I said excited.

                 Then my mom started pulling Jungkooks' ear, and walking away while Jungkook was in pain.

                "I thought Mom forgot about Jungkook.",I said while laughing.

                "I don't think she would forget that.", Raman said.

                 After that we decided to leave.

                 But when we were about to leave, we saw B.A.P.

                "What are you guys doing here?",Rap Monster asked.

                "Oh, we were looking for Jungkook, do you know where he is?.", Daehyun said.

                 "Well sorry, he was just being dragged by our mom, because he talked back to her.",I said.

                 "That little liar", Jungup said.

                 "Yah!!!, don't call my brother that!!!",I said.

                 "Why not, he is a liar, so I can call him that, and he also lied to you by the way.", Jungup said.

                  "I doubt it, and if he"did lie", what would he be lieing about?",I asked.

                "Well, he just came to us and started yelling at us, and he said that he hates us!!!!!", Jungup said.

                 "Then why is my mom mad at him?",I asked.

                   "We kind of got him in trouble.", Zelo said.

                   "You KIND OF?",I said.

                   "Yeah, and why are you mad, you should be happy", Jungup said.

                    "Why?", I asked.

                    "Because he almost told your secret.", Younguk said.
                     "What secret?!?!?!?!",I asked really confused.

                       Then Younguk walked up to me and whispered in my ear.

                     "That you live with me and my parents"., He said, and then flicked my forehead.

                    "Oh, and OWW!",I said.

                     "Wait, how does Jungup know the secret?",I asked.

                     "Because you talk in your sleep.", he said sarcastically.

                       "You watch me sleep?!?!?!?!",I asked creeped out.

                       "NO!!!", he said.

                       "So Younguk told you?",I asked.
                       "He didn't just tell me you know, and your rude", he said.

                       "Your rude, an I hate you by the way.",I said.

                       Then Jungkook came running towards me.

                      "HELP ME!!!!!, SUNHEE IS GOING TO KILL ME!!!!!", he said.

                      "What did you do AGAIN???",I said.

                      "I said something that I shouldn't have said", He said.

                    "What did you say?",I asked.

                    But before he could say anything, SunHee came running at him, along with my mom.

                    Then, SunHee past Jungkook and came twords me.

                   "I'm going to kill you Rose!!!!", SunHee said.

                    "No, I'm going to kill you", Jungkook said.

                    "No one is killing anyone, and SunHee and Jungkook, get in my car, because I'm going to take y'all to your rooms!!!!!!", my mom said.

                   "Yes ma'am", SunHee and Jungkook said.

                  I'm glad that is handled with.


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