Ch.14 The Worst Plane Ride Ever

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"How do you know SunHee?",
Daehyun asked.

"How do you know SunHee?",i asked really confused.

"She's my sister", Daehyn said.

"So how do you know her?", He asked again.

"She went to my old school, and tried to kill me and Jimin",I said, like it was not a big deal when it was.

"She would never, oh and me and my friends need to tell you and everyone else something."Daehyun said.

"Ok I will go get Grace and Jasmine, and Anthony, and Jungkook go get your group, and we will meet back here."I said.

"Ok, I will go get them"Jungkook said.

"And we will wait here"Daehyun said.

"Ok I'm going to go get Grace and Jasmine, and Anthony.",I said.

So after that I decided to look for Jasmine and Anthony. And I saw them in the courtyard, talking.

"Hey Jasmine and Anthony"I said.

"Hey", they both said in sync.
"Daehyun, and his other friends want to tell us something, and we need to get Grace",I told them.

"Ok, let's go get my sister.", Jasmine said.

"But, I need to warn you about something before we get my sister."Jasmine said.

"What is it?",I asked confused.


"Why,is she mad at me?"I asked her.
"No, she goes all crazy when she sees or even thinks about 1 DIRECTION, and she said that her and Jimin we're going to meet them, since they are here, and if you don't let her see them, she will kill you.", Jasmine said.

"Okay, but we need to get her.",I said.

"Okay, let's go", Jasmine said, while Anthony just followed us.

"Hey, little sis, Jimin will not move, and Suga can't even move him, and he is pretty strong.", Jungkook said.

"Hold on, I've got this, where is he."I asked.

"Right there"Jungkook pointed.

Then I saw Jimin and walked up to him, I know what to do when it comes to this.

"Jimin, if you don't go with Jungkook, I will tell everyone about you know what."I said.

"About what?, he asked.

How did he forget, he is so stupid.

"What you told me,of course.",I said and then he jumped up and walked towards me.

"What did I tell you?", he asked even though he already new.

"That you like me."I said.

"And Jungkook would kill you if he found out."I said, making him walk to Jungkook with a terrified face.

"How did you do that?", Jungkook asked.

"Oh, it's nothing just something he said.",I said.

"What did you say, to make him come over here?", he asked very curious.

"None of your business.",I said and went to look for Grace.

And then Jasmine and Anthony came with her, and she was crying with happy tears.

Then we went to where we were supposed to go.

"Okay, all of us are here, so I guess it's time to tell you guys, we are going to be in a kpop group called B.A.P."Youngguk said.

"Wow, that's so cool!!!", we all said.

"I wish we could celebrate but, we are leaving tomorrow, and have to pack, and get ready."Rapmon said.

Time Skip to next day

"Hey are you guys ready?", Rapmon asked.

"Yes", we all said.

But I'm reality we were all tired, and I was not looking forward to have to sit by SunHee on the plane. I wish someone else could sit with her.

Then we walked to our seats, and I say right by the window. And then SunHee say right next to me, along with Jimin next to her.

"So, how have you guys been?", SunHee asked.

"Good",I said.

"Yeah, I thought you two would never be together."she said.

"We are not together SunHee", Jimin and I said at the same time, and she just nodded.

"Why did you think that?",I asked her.

"I don't know, and watch your back, you wouldn't want to get hurt.", she said.

"I thought you were not crazy anymore, but you still are and you followed me.",I said.

"No, I didn't follow you, I followed my brother for your information."she said, and I was about to explode.

And we didn't talk for the rest of the plane ride.I was happy that she decided not to talk, because if she keeps taking I would've strangled here by now, and she would be dead.

When we landed I was so happy, mostly because I didn't have to sit next to her.

"Are you okay?"Jungkook asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine",I said and smiled at him.

"Well guys let's go get our luggage", Rapmon said.

Then after we got out luggage, we went to where we had to stay, and guess who had to share a room with me.
SunHee.... Just when I thought the day couldn't get any worse, it did.

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