Ch.30 The Crazy One

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Last chapter......

Jasmine's POV

Then I hear banging on on the door.

Then Jungkook comes out of nowhere and punches Anthony until he passes out.

Then SunHee gets a gun and comes behind me and points it at my head.

"Move and I'll shoot!!!! ", SunHee says.

Then I hear something fall, and the gun is not on my head anymore.

And I am untied. And I realize that Rose united herself and made SunHee pass out.
Jasmine's POV

"Are you okay???", Jungkook asks me with a worrying face.

"Yeah, how did you find me??", I asked him.

"We tracked you." Jungkook said.

"Ohhhhh." I said, wondering how they tracked me.

"What are we going to do with them???", V asks looking at Anthony and SunHee.

"I'm not sure.", Jungkook says.

"WHAT?!?!?", Rose yells out of nowhere. And I notice she was talking to Daehyun.

"Why are you yelling what???", Jungkook asks her.

Then she looks at Daehyun.
"Why don't you tell them?", Rose says referring to Daehyun.

"Tell us what???", we all ask except for Rose and Daehyun.

"Well....It's about SunHee...", Daehyun says looking down.

"What about her?", I ask.

"Well...A few days ago, my parents took SunHee to a hospital...But not just any hospital, it was one for crazy people...", Daehyun says.

"So?, what about it?", Jungkook asks.

"Well...It turns out that SunHee is super crazy, and she was supposed to stay there for like a month, but then today they told me she escaped there, and ran away. And it turns out she was here the whole time...I'm really sorry I didn't tell you guys, I didnt tell you because i didnt want to believe that she was that crazy, but now i know why she was there.", Daehyun says and looks down.

"It's okay, we understand, so if she is supposed to be there, then we should take her back, and maybe take Anthony there...", Jungkook says.

"I will tell my parents.", Daehyun says.

After that, we left and went to a park that was nearby us.

Rose POV

After we left, I couldn't quit thinking about what I said to SunHee when I was tied up.


"I would never hurt anyone excruciatingly, but Daehyun did in fact hurt my feelings so badly, but that's in the past and I now forgive him.", I said.
"Honestly, I've felt like I have known him since we were children, but I just had this random thought about how we were "bad" to each other, but have now since forgiven. I really don't understand where that thought came from. I am just as confused as you are.", I said.

End of Falshback....

I wondered why I would say such things, I decided to ask Daehyun about it.

I walk up to Daehyun and tap his shoulder.

"Hey Daehyun, can I talk to you for a moment?", I asked.

"Sure, let's go over here.", he's says and takes me and him behind a tree at the park we were at.

"What is it?", he asks confused.

"Well....Have we ever met before? Like before I met you here.", I ask him, hoping he will know, because I can't remember clearly.

Then Daehyun had a shocked look on his face.

"Why do you seem shocked?", I ask him confused.

"Well...To answer your question, yes we have, but I thought you wouldn't remember, so I never brought it up.", Daehyun says.

"Well, I'm asking you because I don't remember that much.", I said.

"What do you remeber?", he asks with a worried face.

"I remember getting hurt by you, but I don't know why I was hurt. So I was hoping you could tell me.", I say.

"I knew this day would come...", Daehyun said. And I look at him confused.

"We used to be really good friends, like best friends, and then we wanted to be more than friends.....But our parents didn't want that to happen.", he said. And I looked at him confused. Then he continued....

"So we decided to keep it a secret, but one day they found out...And so my parents told me to break up with you and I didn't want to, so they told me that your parents don't want us dating, and I didn't want your parents to be mad at you like mine so I had to, and then we moved and your parents made all of the memories of us disappear from you. But I guess you remeber now.:, he said. And I had a shocked face.

"If they don't want us to be together, then why are they letting me talk to you??", I asked confused.

"They finally realized that they can't keep us from eachother.", he says.

"What do you mean?", I asked confused. Then he smiles.

"What I mean is that I like you, and I know you like me too.", he says and smiles.

"How do you know I like you???", I asked while blushing.

"Because it is our fate, and maybe Jasmine and Madilyn told me.", he says while laughing.

"What?!?!?", I say shocked. Then he hugs me. And I hug him back.

"Will you be my girlfriend??", he asks me.

"Yes.", I say then he hugs me even tighter, and kisses me.

"What are you guys doing???", someone says out of nowhere. Then we let go of eachother. And I see Jasmine and Madilyn right beside her.

"Oh this is something to tell...", Madilyn says.

"It's not like that....", I say while blushing.

"Why are you and Daehyun behind the tree hugging and kissing is the question right now.", Jasmine asks.

"Is there something going on between you guys?Are you dating?", Madilyn and Jasmine ask.

"Well....N-", I was cut off...

"Yes we are!!!", Daehyun says proudly.

"Why did you say that???", I say.

"Because we are ,aren't we?", he says and laughs.

"Awwwwwww", Jasmine and Madilyn say.
Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, Thank you for reading, stay tuned for the next chapter, and plz vote and comment😊

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