Ch.19 The Prank

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After Jungkook and SunHee left, we decided we were going to go back to our rooms at the hotel, and eat food there.

When I went back to my room and opened the door, I saw SunHee and Daehyun.

"What are you doing here?",I asked.

"I'm here to spend time with my sister.", Daehyun said.

"Oh ok, I'm going to go to my brothers room and play with him.",I said.

"Ok, bye", Daehyun said.

"Bye", SunHee said.

"Bye guys.",I said.

When I walked in my brothers room, I saw him and V playing video games.

"Hey guys, what are you playing.",I asked.

"A racing game, and why are you here?", Jungkook asked while pausing the game.

"I wanted to play with you.",I said.

"Ok, do you want to play a racing game?", he asked.

"Sure",I said.

And then we start playing the racing game, and I won twice.

Then we all feel asleep on the floor.

When I woke up, I saw V asleep, and Jungkook was watching TV.

"Hey Jungkook, we should do a prank on V.",I say quietly.

"Ok, we should draw on his face.", he said.

Then we draw on V's face with a black sharpie.

After we finished, V woke up, and me and Jungkook said hi, and kept in our laughter.

Then we went to Jimins and Jin's room.

When we opened the door Jimin saw V and started laughing, and then Jin woke up and saw V and also laughed.

"What's so funny, do I have bad hair or something?",V asked.

Then me and Jungkook got ready to run away from V, because he is really scary when he is mad.

"No, Rose and Jungkook drew on your face.", Jimin said and then smiled, and then me and Jungkook started to run.

But then V got me and then put me in a box, and put it in the hallway while Jungkook escaped.

But then I heard Jungkook screaming, and I started laughing and then Jimin got me out of the box.

When I got out of the box, V was chasing Jungkook all over the place, and just when I thought it, Jungkook hid behind me.

Then out of nowhere, V was on Jungkook's back.

Me and Jimin started laughing, while Jungkook was screaming at V to get off of him.

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