A Very Spooky Party

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*Jack's POV*

"Jack!" North called from the Globe room. "Almost done!" I shouted back. I finished pitting my costume together and ran into the room. "Im here!" I said happily.

The Guardians jumped and Tooth let out a fearful shriek. "Jack!! What happened to you?!" She asked. I raised a brow and realized what she ment. I laughed, "This is my costume!" I said proudly.

She calmed down a little, "Oh... well, what are you?" She asked. I laughed again. "A vampire." I added a hiss causing the others to laugh. North was a giant mummy, Bunny was a neon skeleton with his fur painted black except the neon rainbow skeleton bones painted on. Tooth was a glittery witch (and it looked very nice on her), and Sandy was....

The Boogyman.

I laughed so hard at that. Everyone gave me a confused expression. "The Boogymahan! Haha!" I laughed. The looked at Sandy and laughed too, Sandy joined.

What were we in costumes for? A party. It was three days before Halloween and there is going to be a costume party here at the Pole. "Ah! Guests should be arriving soon!" North shouted.

He started barking orders at the yetis to make sure everything was ready for the guests, and soon enough the guests began to arrive...


Hey Snowflakes! New book! So I hope you enjoy this! I got the inspiration by a few authors, though I didn't read their books just the discription.

I also LOVE Halloween so I decided to tey it out. Hope you like it!

Bye bye my bootiful Snowflakes!

*Jack Frost*

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