Chapter 2

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Kei woke up early in the morning and prepare some breakfast for her husband and daughter, Genki took a peek to the kitchen to see her mother, she take a deep breath and release it before she enter, she didn't say anything though, the only thing she did was hugging her from behind and that makes Kei stops her work.

"Eeh? What is it Genki?". Kei asked but Genki hugged her tighter.

"Sorry Mom, I'm Sorry, I won't do it again". Kei sighed and release the hug, she turn to look at Genki and hold her hands.

"Genki, I'm not mad at you, I'm worried, and I don't want you to use this power as you like, I saw your Dad collapsed many times, and I don't want you to be like that because you are a girl, also..... the dream island is not safe now, please don't go there anymore". Kei said slowly.

"Not safe?  But That Place is Just Beautiful As Heaven!".

"No Genki, Not Anymore, Please I want you to be a fine girl, if you want to be with Yuta I want you to be a fine girl to him, he is a prince, so he need a girl to show him the right way to live, I hope you understand that Genki". Kei said and Genki nodded.

"I understand mom".

"Good Girl, Now go and get ready for school, today come early because your uncle Akira will come with his family to have dinner with us, don't be late".


Genki leave the kitchen and saw her dad on his way to the kitchen.

"Ohayo Daddy". She kissed his cheek in a hurry and run to her room, Kota tilt his head and walk to the kitchen.

"Ohayo, you get up early by yourself today". Kei said and Kota kiss her cheek.

"Ohayo, I have a rehearsal in the morning, did you talk to Genki?".

"Yes, we talked, everything is fine".


"Akira will come here with his family to visit us in evening, don't come late".



While walking to her school, Genki saw Yuta walking alone reading a book, she walk next to him and he look at her with a smile.


"Ohayo, how is the things at home?". He asked her and she nodded.

"Fine, I talked to mom and apologize to her".

"Good, Don't make her mad ok?".


They walk together to the gate and separated when Yuta walked Genki to her class and waved to her. As soon as she open the door a guy stand in front of her with his smug face.

"Ohayo~ My Princess~". Genki didn't respond to him or even look at him,  she pass him and walk away.

"Oi! I'm Talking To You!!". He shouted and she stopped.

"When You Stop Callying Me With Princess I will Reply You Kishi". She said coldly before walking to her seat.

"YOU WILL ALWAYS BE MY PRINCESS!!". Kishi shouted and Yuta hear his voice, he turn to look at him and shake his head.

"He wants to pick a fight". Yuta said before he enter the other building where his class is.

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