Last Chapter 25

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Genki walk around here and there waiting for her father to wake up, her friends call her to go out with them but she reject as she have to stay to take care of her father.

"Genki??". Genki turn to look at her father who leave his room.

"Dad! Are You Ok?? Mom Said You Were Sick!". He smile to her and pat her head.

"I'm fine now, I just need to rest properly for today and I will be fine, Where is your mother??".

"Went to visit her friend she said". Kota sighed as he know Kei went to Daiki's house.

"Ok then, what is for lunch?". Genki gasped and slap her forehead.

"I Didn't Make It! Sorry!".

"It's ok, let's go and eat outside, I didn't eat with you alone for a while". Genki smile and nodded happily.


They went outside and Kota didn't forget to call Kei and tell her they went outside to eat, Kei said she will eat with Daiki so they just go and have fun together.

"Dad, I will tell you something". Genki said as they already ordered and waiting for the food to arrive.

"What is it??".

"I met a cool boy days ago and he saved my life, I only know his first name, it was Yuta, the man who was with his call him Yuta-sama, so he probably from a high-level family".

"Hooo~ That's nice of him".

"And you See You See, I Fall For Him~~ Kyaaa!!". She screamed shyly and Kota laugh at her, he know the story since Kei send him a message saying they already met and they fall for each other.

"Genki, don't be rushy, when the time come you will meet again and if that happens and you love each other then you can get married". Genki open her eyes wide in happiness.

"But...You have to enter Uni and then find a job". He said and Genki whined.

"Dad~ That's So Long~~~".

"It is, but that's for your sake, your generation is different than us, I married your mother when I was studying in Uni, and we still face a lot of problems, now you need to look at yourself more, you need to work to support yourself, the man will not support you forever, me too, who know when I will go-----".

"Don't Say That Dad! I Will Graduate And Enter a Powerful University And Find a Good Job! Love Can Wait Right?!!". She said and Kota smile to her and nodded.

"Yes honey, it can wait and you can find another love and another start". He said and the food arrived.

"Ok then, When I get a job I will search for my love, Or No! Love Can Search For Me~". Kota laugh at her.

"Yes Genki, Love will find his way to you, if your other half is fated to be with you you guys will find many ways to be together so don't worry about it, now let's eat".


Kota hope that he is doing well as her father and open her eyes to the truth, the situation was bad for Genki and Yuta to stay together, they need to be separated to reduce the danger.

Kota met Chihiro when he notice the changing in dream island, they search for the reason and it was like a shock, Yuta and Genki when they came from the first time to the island the island turned black, which was Yuta and Genki's future, Kota and Kei when they went there it wasn't like that, the island predicted Kota and Kei's future which was so colorful and beautiful, also Daiki and Yuya's future, but Yuta and Genki no, it's so black and gloomy.

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