Chapter 23

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Days passed and Yuta spent his holiday with his parents, he was only focusing on his father and how he manage the kingdom and how he treat his pregnant mother.

"Yuta? What's wrong??". Daiki asked after she sit on the chair.

"Nothing mom, just looking at dad". Daiki raised her eyebrows.

"And why are you looking at your dad??".

"I Don't know, I feel....There is a cool aura around him, the way he walk, the way he talk, his eyes and lips and-----".

"Wow Boy You Sound Like You Fall in Love With Your Father!!". Daiki said and Yuta look at her.

"But I Love Him". Daiki rolled her eyes.

"Sit here, I will talk to you". Yuta sit next to her and she sighed before she look at him.

"Yuta, I know that deep inside you you are admiring your father, since you came here you are looking at him, he is cool and handsome but please don't make it sound weird". Daiki said and Yuta laugh at her.

"I know mom, I am not that stupid to fall in love with dad like you, and yes I admire him, I want to be like him when I take the chair as the next king and be a good brother for my next brother or sister". He put this hand on Daiki's big stomach and Daiki smile.

"Un, I know you will be a good brother Yuta, just do your best on your studies until you finish and meet your fated girl". Yuta nodded for her.

"I Will do that mom".

"Yuta, I want you to do something for me, can you do it??". Yuya walk to them and Yuta stand up.

"Yes Dad".


"Mom~ Can I Go Out With My Friends Today?~". Genki shouted from her room in the second floor to Kei who was in the first floor.

"Yes but come before 6". Kei shouted back.

"Ok!". Genki replayed and get ready to leave.

"Do you want anything before I leave??". Genki asked and Kei think about it.

"Ummmm~ I want some cake please~". Genki sighed.

"You ate that cake yesterday, oh well ok, Bye".

She leave the house and meet her friends in the mentioned spot. They go here and there having fun.


"I'm counting on you, it's just an easy task but this is like an exam to you, if you success I will give you another task but higher level, for now do this and show me what can you do". Yuya said carefully to Yuta who nodded for him.

"Yes dad, I will do it".

Yuya look at Kamiki who bowed to him and enter the car with Yuta.

"Hope nothing bad happened". Yuya murmured.

"Don't worry this task won't end up a war if he failed". Yuya look angrily at Hikaru who run away before Yuya can say anything to him.



Kamiki look at Yuta who keep sighing nonstop and looking at the papers.

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