Chapter 6

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Genki was looking around don't know where to go, until she dumped into someone and look at her.

"Who are you??". Genki didn't know how to replay to the girl, she stared at her blankly admiring her beauty.

"Excuse me?? Are you listening to me??". The girl waved her hand in front of Genki's face and snapped her to reality.

"Ah! S-Sorry! I'm Yabu Genki". She bowed to her and the girl smile.

"And I am Yui, are you lost??". Yui ask her and Genki nodded.

"Yes, it's my first time here, I don't know how did I came here though".

"I will take you to the princess to help you, I don't like to move around a lot so I don't know where to take you".

"Ok, Thank you".

They kept chatting until they arrived to a big house, the girl ring the bell and the door opened, Genki enter the house with Yui while looking around the place.

"This house is so pretty~". Genki commented and Yui smile.

"It is, wait here I will call the princess".


Genki sit on the chair and look around in amazed. While in one of that big house rooms, the princess were talking on the phone.

"......Yes....Ok......I Will Do My Best......I Know That....Ok I Will Do That...Ja".

She hung up and turn to look at the door when it knocked and opened.

"Yui, what's wrong??".

"I found a lost girl in this area, I hope you can help her".

"Bring her in".

Yui nodded and leave the room to bring Genki to the princess room.

"Here she is". Yui let Genki enter the room, Genki widened her eyes when she saw that princess.

"A-Aki!!!!". Aki sighed and shake her head.

"I didn't know that I will find you this fast".

"You know each other??". Yui asked surprised.

"She is my cousin". Aki said and Genki pouted, she turn around wanting to leave but the door closed.

"Don't Try To Run Away, My Mom Want To Talk To You, You Can't Leave This Room". Aki said and Genki look at her angrily.

"LET ME OUT!". She shout but Aki shake her head and call her mother.

"Mom, Genki with Me, Come And Take Her Or I Will Kick Her Ass". She said annoyingly before hanging up and take out a book and read.

"Oi Aki!! Let Me Out!!". Genki shout but Aki ignore her.

"AKI!!". Aki look sharply at Genki and close the book before she throw it on the table, Yui panicked and wanted to stop Aki but Aki smile to her .


"Yui, it's ok". She said calmly and Yui stepped back, she know Aki when she get mad and angry, as the right hand and the best friend of the princess she have to make her calm, she is afraid if she do something to Genki. Aki stopped in front of Genki and look at her eyes sharply.

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