Chapter 14

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Hikaru stepped back and look at Keito with a frown.

"......Who are you?". He asked and Keito smile to him.

"Don't Worry Young Man, I am His Great Grandfather". 

"W-What???". Hikaru was confused but the voice is not Keito's voice at all, and the aura around him is so different.

"I Know That He And His Sister is in Danger, That's Why I Show Up To Save Them".


"It's a Long Story, I can't tell it to you now because I have to return to the palace and save his sister, but don't worry I will tell him to tell the story when he returns". Hikaru couldn't say anything because Keito suddenly disappear from his sight.


He run back to the palace and meet some of his guards were running here and there.

"Miura! Kamiki!!". He call them and they stopped to look at him.

"Yaotome-San! What is Going On?? We Suddenly Heard a Loud Explosion!". Miura ask him.

"Yes but don't worry about it, we have to-----".

"Hikaru!!". They turn when they saw Yuya come running to them, Miura and Kamiki bowed to him.


"They Will Be Fine! We Need To Make Sure That Everything is Fine Now". Yuya said and Hikaru sighed.

"Yuya! I Will Go This Way!". Hikaru said and Yuya frown.

"What Are You Thinking??".

"Please Yuya I Need TO Go, Kamiki! Miura! Get Aran and Juri and everyone in the Royal Guards To Help You! Protect The King And Help Him!". He ordered them and they nodded.

"Roger!". Hikaru run the other side ignoring Yuya's calling him.

"Baka Hikaru!!".


"G-Great King I------".

"The Damage You Make in This Palace Is Enough, You Are a Shame For Our Kingdom". Bora turn to look at him and frown, it was Keito who is talking to her but she knows that he is not him, it was the Great King of the Witch Kingdom.

"Great King I Was Helping You!! I Tried-----".

"SILENCE!". He shout and she kneeled in front of him, she was shaking in fear and couldn't look at him, he look at her sharply and point at her.

"This Place is Not Your Place, Even Our Kingdom, You Have No Rights To Enter Any Kingdom From Now On". He said firmly and Bora look at him shocked.


"No But, You Did A Lot Of Terrible Things For Our Kingdom, You Even Betrayed Meiho Like That, How Cruel". She widened her eyes.

"Y-You Know??".

"Sure, This is The Kingdom I Create, My Blood in Every Member of The Royal Family, Including This Boy and His Sister, I Won't Let You Destroy My Family As You Pleas". Bora wanted to talk but she suddenly couldn't breath, he use his other hand and open a black boor.

"Let's Return, I Know Where To Throw You". He said firmly.

Hikaru arrived and look at Keito walking to the black door while Genki behind him.

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