Chapter 21

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The day come for Yuta to leave for his new school, Yuya with Daiki are standing in front of Yuta to say goodbye to him, he look at his parents and bow to them.

"I will do my best in school". He said and Yuya pat his head.

"I'm sure you will be aright, you can come to me when you have any problem, ok?". Daiki hug him and pat his head.

"I will mom, goodbye". He enter the car and Hikaru look at Yuya after he close the door.

"Yuya, I told Jesse the situation and he agreed to it, he is waiting for Yuta in their sharing room now at school".

"Good, Thanks Hikaru, Dai-chan, Let's go in, you have to rest". Yuya hold Daiki's hand and she nodded.


In the car, Yuta look outside the window and close his eyes.

"....I feel something bothering me so much, what is it??". He said as he touch his chest while Kamiki look at him silently.

"Ne Kamiki-san....".

"Yes Yuta-sama?".

"I feel like.....I did something wrong to someone, have I ever did that??". Kamiki look at Yuta and smile.

"I don't know Yuta-sama, but if you feel bad that much just try to be nice to everyone around you until you feel relaxed, that's my advice to you". Yuta look at him and nodded.

"Ok, I will remember that, Thanks".

"Anytime". Kamiki hope that he get the right advice for him, he know that Yuta is nice but recently he become more rebellious for some reason, but he hope that this time he return to his sense.


"Mama are you ok??". Genki ask Kei who walk down the stairs.

"Yes, but can you help me a little? I still feel dizzy". Genki hold Kei's arm and help her sitting on the sofa.

"I will bring you some warm milk". Genki run to the kitchen and bring cup of milk and give it to her mother who accept it gladly.

"Thanks Genki, why don't you go and hang outside with your friends?". Kei ask her and Genki pouted.

"Why? You don't want me to stay with you??".

"N-No I----".

"I'm kidding mom~ I Just want to stay and help you, Dad is not home so who will take care of you if you get tired?? you are so weak mom~". Genki said and Kei smile to her.

"Thanks Genki, When I get better we will go out and play a lot ok??".

"Ok~ So please get better fast~". Genki hug her mother and Kei pat her head.


Yuta arrived to the dorm and the teacher showed him the way to his shared room, the door opened and he blinked his eyes when he saw Jesse.

".....Do I....Know You??". Yuta asked and Jesse smiled to him.

"I don't think so, we just met".

"....Yeah, I'm Takaki Yuta, nice to meet you".

"Call me Jesse, Nice to meet you too your highness".

"Call me Yuta please, and don't be formal with me, I don't like it".

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