Chapter 10

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Yuta enter his room angrily and Jesse was waiting for him there.


"SHUT UP!! GET OUT!!". Yuta shout and Jesse look at him with a frown.

".....I Will Not". Yuta look at Jesse who refuse to obey him.

"What Did You Say??". Yuta walk closer to him and look at him sharply but Jesse just stay still in his place.

"I Said I Will Not Leave". He repeat his words and Yuta punch him hardly on his cheek.

"Jesse! You Better Listen To My Words Or I Will Punch You Until You Go To The Hospital!". Yuta said firmly and Jesse look at him calmly.

"I prefer going to the hospital than letting you do something to yourself". Yuta get irritated and hold Jesse from his collar harshly, but before he punches him the door opened.

"Stop it Yuta!". He turn to look at his father.

"We Need To Talk, Come With Me".


"Hikaru, Take Jesse and Treat Him, Jesse, Take a Day Off".


Yuta follow his father to the library and close the door.

"If You Are Angry Don't Release it On The Others, Yuta". Yuya said firmly while Yuta just look down.

"Listen to me carefully, I will not argue with you about this because you are award of it already, I will repeat it just to make sure you remember it, You and Genki are close friends, more like childhood friends, the only thing that changed that we -The Parents- Keep saying that you two are going to be partners in the future, husband and wife, but that doesn't mean that you two will be together, it's just our wish, you don't have to follow our wish, I Know you like Genki so much, but don't put all your wishes on her, you may find another girl-----".

"Dad Please, I Don't------".

"It's the Reality Yuta, you can't do anything about that".

Yuya cut his words and Yuta sighed heavily, just then he start to feel something, he hold on his shirt as he feel a sharp pain and he couldn't breath, he turn to his father and walk closer to him.



".....Is There Something Serious Going On??". Yuya look at his eyes and smile.

"No, What do you mean??".

"....You are lying, the tension is so high, I Can Feel it! What Are You Hiding From Me??!". Yuya widened his eyes.

"Don't tell me......".

"Dad What Is Going On?? Is Genki Going To Be Fine?? Why Do You Want Me To Forget About Her And Now You Want Me To Look At The Other Girls!!". He Said as he hold his father's arm and shake him.


"That's right". They turn to look at Daiki who walk in the room and sit on the chair.

"Honey! Why Are You Out?!". Yuya said but Daiki shake her head.

"He Need To Know Everything Yuyan". She said and Yuta look at them confused.

"What the hell is happening??".

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