Chapter 5

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Daiki was walking around the palace when she saw Yuta sitting outside near the lack reading a book, she walk closer and sit next to him.


"Yes Mom?". Yuta look at her and she take the book from him.

"You read all the time, I did say do your best but at the same time take a break, it's not good for your eyes, Ok??". She said and Yuta sighed.


"Come with me".

She take his hand and they walk to Yuya who was asleep in their room, Daiki wink for Yuta and walk closer to Yuya slowly to not wake him up....Yet.

"Yuyan~ Wake up~". She whisper softly on his ear and he just turn the other side.

"Honey~ Wake Up~ I Will----". He surprise her with a sudden kiss and she push him away.

"YUYAN!!". She shout and he sit on the bed blinking his eyes.

"Eeh?? That Wasn't a Dream??!". He said and Daiki rolled her eyes.

"Mom, if you want to wake him up please do that when I am outside". Yuta said with a sigh and she pouted.

"Anyway! Yuya, Let's go out, I Want to go and have some fun". Daiki said and Yuya rub his eyes.

"What?? Where do you want to go??".

"To Amusement Park!". She said and he look at her.

"Oh, That Bring Memories, but......I'm busy, sorry honey". Yuya apologize and she pouted.

"Its fine, we will go ourselves". She said and Yuya nodded.

"Take Miura and Kamiki with you". He suggested and Daiki nodded.

"Ok, Yuta, go and prepare yourself". Yuta leave the room and Daiki sighed.

"Sorry, I'm so busy lately that I even barely stay with you". Yuya apologize again and Daiki look at him with a smile and it next to him.

"It's ok Yuyan, I Know how hard it is for you, I don't want you to overdo yourself, please don't push yourself too much and take some rest, when I return I will see what I can do for you". She said and Yuya hug her.

"Staying by my side and talking to me is enough honey, don't push yourself you too, I Know Yuta is hard sometimes to deal with".

"It's ok~ I will be harder~ I Won't Let Him Beat Me~". They laugh together and Yuya hug her tightly.

"I Promise, I will make it for you two the other time". He said and Daiki pat his head.

"I Will Wait~".


Kota was sitting in the living room when Kei come out from their room and sit next to him.

"Kei, Are You------".

"She didn't come last night right??". She cut his words with a cold question and he stay silent.

"..........Did you eat something??". She asked and Kota look at her before he shake his head.

"I will prepare something for you". She stand up and walk to the kitchen, Kota sighed and hold his head.

".......Where did she go?".

He ask himself, he actually went to the Dream Island but didn't find her there, the place there become darker that he didn't spend more than two minutes, he don't remember when this happened to the island and why, it suddenly turned black and everything start dying but sometimes become colorful again, but Kei can't stand the place anymore and never mention it to him. Kota search everywhere for Genki but nowhere to be found, he is so worried about those two, Genki and also Kei.

Sweet Moments S4Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora