Chapter 42

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Previously........'Yoongi.' I silently gasped. How worried they must be right now. Filled with a new determination and happiness I glared at the space in front of me, concentrating on one place in particular. My home.


Just as I hoped, the familiar scene of my cottage atop the hill formed within the portal. The portal had opened in my yard, a stretch of grass was between me and the cottage. Silvery smoke floated around the portal's circular border, emitting a welcoming aura. The sun was rising behind my house, it was Thursday now. Wednesday felt so long, so much had happened. I winced as I tried to get up, god I needed to sleep. I so deserved to sleep right now. My head spun slightly as I stood up, I clutched my forehead, dry blood sticking to my hand. Blinking away the soreness I made my way to the portal. I stood in front of the portal's surface, looking at my little cottage with the sun creating a warm glow. In the window of my living room I squinted, vaguely able to make out all the members huddled on the floor. I frowned, what happened?

I continued staring, as one of the figures stood up and looked my way. By the hair color I could tell it was Jimin, he seemed to shout something since all the  figures turned their heads to the window. I scoffed and laughed quietly when they all sprinted to the door. I took a deep breath, smiling I stepped through the portal, engulfed by the warm sun. The portal closed behind me, the dark dimension gone forever. 

Ahead of me all the members were sprinted in my direction. I broke out in a wide grin, slightly tearing up in joy. Fueled by the sight before me, I ran forward, smiling like a maniac. Without even having to think twice I ran into Yoongi's arms, gasping at the collision. He wrapped his arms tightly around me, as if scared I would disappear. I gripped on equally as tight, my arms around his waist. I was shocked to hear Yoongi sniffling, burying his face in my shoulder. 

'Yoongi are you crying?' I asked softly pulling away just enough to peek at his face. He looked away embarrassed, but I had already seen his red slightly swollen eyes, showing he clearly was crying for a while now. 'Aww, Yoongi~' I cooed, finding his embarrassment adorable. 

'JISOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!' All the members screamed before squishing me and Yoongi into a tight group hug. 

'You're back!'

'What happened?!'

'Are you alright!?'

The members bombarded me with question, eager to know everything. I reassured them the blood on my face was hardly a cut and I was fine. We walked back to my cottage, I animatedly explained everything that happened. 

'So like, they're all gone? No more Wisps?' V asked.

'No more Wisps.' I answered smiling. We were standing in the living room, constantly group hugging and celebrating. 

'Uh guys lets go up to the spare bedroom.' Rapmon suddenly said.

'Why?' Jungkook asked. I watched as Jin jabbed Jungkook in the ribs and motioned with his eyes at me and Yoongi. Confused I looked up at Yoongi who seemed un-affected by the others' actions. 

'Ohh, uh ok yeah let's go.' Jungkook said, looking like he just realized something. Still confused I went along with it, taking a step forward after Jungkook. But Yoongi held onto my hand not moving. I looked up at him raising a brow, what, I eyed him. He just looked at me, silently communicating with his eyes. Ohhhhh, I mouthed, they were leaving to give us some time alone. I nodded my head to show I understood, the others had rushed out the room and were racing up the stairs. I could hear their footsteps scurry up the stairs and to the spare bedroom. 

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