2028 (part 2)

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Third person perspective

"Come on, come on, come on, we gotta go" Jin said as he pulled Namjoon out of their house. "It's not even 2:30 yet" Namjoon said still going along with Jin. "I know but... i'm just really excited and i realllly don't want to be even a second late."

Jin and Namjoon arrived at the agency with about fifteen minutes left. They sat down in the waiting room.

After ten minutes had past Namjoon went up to the reception desk to check in. "Cmon" Namjoon said to Jin we gotta go to Hansoon's office.

Jin jumped out of his chair ecstatic to  finally be this close to having a child.

Namjoon and Jin walked in together hand in hand as they were both excited and nervous.

"Oh hello my name is Hansoon you must be the kims please, sit down. Would you like to look through the list of all of the children" Hansoon asked as she reached for a binder on her desk.

"Oh no that's ok" Jin said, Hansoon looked up confused. "We have already looked and chosen" Namjoon said trying to clear up her confusion. "But you haven't come by since you were approved," she said still visibly confused.

"Even though we were advised not to look till approved we insisted so they let us" Namjoon said hoping that her confusion would now be dealt with.

"Oh ok, then would you please tell me who you have chosen," Hansoon said ready to type into her computer. "Park Jimin" Jin and Namjoon said at the same time.

Hansoon printed out two sheets of paper one needed a signature and the other was where jimin was. "Here you go, i have already notified the orphanage where Jimin is so they will have him ready for you when you arrive" she said handing both papers to Namjoon.

Namjoon took the papers signed one then handed it back "thankyou" he said before getting up bowing and then leaving the room with Jin following behind him.

Namjin jumped into their car and began heading to the orphanage in which Jimin was waiting.

Namjoon stopped the car in front of a big and semi old building. Jin and Namjoon stepped out before heading in.

"Um, hi" namjoon said getting the attention of one of the workers, "yes what do you need she answered back." "We are kim Namjoon and Seokjin were here to pick up Jimin." "Ah yes he is almost done packing."

A worker walked up two suitcases in her hand and a boy half hiding behind her, and stopped in front of namjin.

"Cmon say hi to your new parents" the worker said to Jimin. "He's the shyest seven year old here but when he gets used to you he's super sweet" she said setting the suitcases in front of namjin.

"Hi my name is Seokjin if you want you can call me Jin," Jin said to Jimin who was still hiding behind the woman. "My names namjoon," he said a bit awkwardly still nervous about meeting his new son.

"Do you wanna see your new home" Namjoon said crouching down to Jimin's height. Jimin nodded his head before slowly inching to where they were standing.

Jin and Namjoon both grabbed a suitcase, Jin held his hand out for Jimin a huge smile came to his face as he placed his hand in his. They put the luggage in the car before heading off for home.

"Welp were here" namjoon said as they pulled into their driveway.  Jin and Namjoon grabbed the suitcases and walked inside with Jimin trailing close behind.

Namjin set the suitcases down in Jimin's room before looking around for him. Jimin stayed still standing in the doorway. "Come on in" Jin said "this is your room."

Jimin quietly walked into the room still not used to the idea of having his own room. "Do you like it" Jin asked, Jimin looked around a slight smile forming "yeah" he said.

"Well I'm gonna go start dinner, Namjoon will help you unpack" Jin said before leaving the room.

They stood awkwardly together before Namjoon broke the silence, "which should we unpack first." Jimin pointed to the larger one and began unpacking and so did Namjoon.

Jin walked up to the bedroom as the food was almost done when he heard Jimin yelling. "Yaay i won" Jimin yelled as his car went past the finish line before Namjoon's.

Jin walked into the room telling them that the food was almost done and to make sure to finish unpacking before diner before going back to the kitchen.

Once they were done Jimin and Namjoon headed into the kitchen both hungry. Everyone ate and talked together then took a shower, before heading to bed.


"What's wrong" Jin said as he looked down at Jimin who was at their bedroom door. "I'm not used to sleeping alone can i sleep with you guys" Jimin said head down embarrassed to be asking. "Of course" Jin said opening the door more for him.

The three of them slept together in peace happy to be a family.

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