chapter 1

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It was a gloomy ,rainy day. Sky was squeezing its the pearl like droplets of rain . Usually rain brings happiness to everyone . But sometimes it may happen ironically,bringing back the worst memories of life . There stands the man of the town ,the well wisher ,the protector or will it be right to say he is the don of the town?? Yeah but in a good way . He cares for each and everyone in the town. The man, who is step father or a gaurdian of the city ,is he himself an orphan . The world was too cruel to him that it snatched his parents from him . The unconsolable loss of his loved ones brought the fear in his heart and made him stone hearted . The soft and a kind man behind his shield of a hard unbreakable wall is only known by his friend Maanav . He is a best friend as well as a littile brother of Abhi . He lives with abhi in Mehra mansion . He is the first nd the last person to know about Abhi's past and he is a part of it . He is 25 years old and is two years younger than Abhi . Now Abhi is standing still in the road in the midst of the heavy rain . This day was the most drearest day in his life . Maanav was trying his best to get him home and after a toil of 3 hrs in rain convincing him he admitted to go to home . When they where moving towards the car ,they saw a girl running very fastly . She headed towards Abhi and hid behind him . She was scared to the core . Abhi was shocked and whats going on . He turned towards her and was lost in her eyes . He got a deep pleasure and a warmth as if she was somehow related to him . He was so engrossed in her eyes,that he had forgot about the surrounding. He came back to reality when he felt a strong pain in his head . The girl infront of him screamed and that was it she was unconsious in his arms. Abhi was too restless to see her unconscious . He called Maanav and handed her to him. Abhi turned behind and started beating him black and blue .The goon to save his life ran from there within a second.

Abhi's p.o.v
She went unconsious . What would have happened to her . I went to her and tried to bring her to by tapping her face lightly. Thanks to the weather for making it worse it was raining even more so, I decided to take her to my home . Maanav was driving the car and was in the back seat with the girl all wet in my lap . She looked like a 25 years old girl and was wearing salwar . She seemed to be too simple and lovable. Did I just said lovable ? Yeah she is I saw in in her eyes . I saw a concern for me in her eyes . Though she fell unconscious ,the reason was, seeing me hurt , brought an unknown pleasure in my heart . I don't know whether it was the reason , but I wished so. I wish to see the concern for me in someone eyes .
Deep in my heart I wish, that someone was her.
We reached within 5 min as our house was near by . I took the girl in my arms and laid her in my bed . Maanav, being a doctor checked her and said that it was due to shock. He asked me to take care of her and went to clinic as he had an surgery to do . After 5 mins I returned to my room after sending maanav to clinic to see her stirring up . I went near her . She was a way confused to see herself in my room . When she saw me she was shocked and tried to stand up but invain she felt drowsy and fell down . Thud.......... The glass fell down not her😂😂 . She fell in my arms . She opened her eyes . Their eyes met . Gosh...... . What an eyes yaar . She got up from arms . I was unable to come out of those deep pools . Suddenly she pushed me and ran away. I went behind her calling . But no response . At last she stop in front of my house and hired a taxi . She got into it and the taxi started . I saw it and was about to go inside my house . Once again there was a surprise to me . She put her head out of the taxi and shouted thank you . What a weird girl ! I thought of helping her but she didn't even say a thanks to me. First of all she pushed me and ran away how mean . I went to my room to sleep . Usually sleep is a far of thing when one's past engulfs his present . I am also in the same situation . But I am different in one way. I do sleep because I used to take sleeping pills . Today also I took sleeping pills and within few minutes sleep engulfed me .

Pragya came home. Her mother stormed with question. Sarla was too concerned about her daughter . Pragya said that she was in meethi's house . Yeah, she said a lie how could she even say that she was being chased by goons and a Don helped her and she fainted . Would her mother be able to handle it? Nah.. instead she would not be allowed to go out . So she calmed her mother and went to sleep . As day's incident played in her mind, her eyes showed the fear clearly . She diverted her mind and slept by thinking about the man who saved her .Sun rays falls on abhi face awakening him . He gets up and continues his routine . He gets freshen up and come out . His P.A came and said that some one is waiting for him. Abhi went down and saw a young boy waiting for him. His name is Akil. He is a good artist . He wanted a seat in jcs college , well known for art. But the donation is high . He wasn't able to pay it. So he came there to get abhi's help . Abhi accepted . They were on the way to college suddenly , there was a quarrel on the roadside regarding a silly matter . Since they are waiting for a long time abhi lost his temper and gave a tight slap to both of them . Fate never leaves anyone . Pragya who was going to , jcs college , her
College . She saw the incident and was shocked . At the same time abhi saw her their eyes met . Both of them remmembered the previous day's incident . Pragya being scared that he would hurt her , started to move . Abhi who saw this called her and followed her . But she was not in a state to listen she drove to her college in her scooty . Unable to find her abhi came to his car and went jcs college . He talked with the prinicipal and got a seat for akil in free of cost. Akil thnked him and went . Pragya again saw abhi in the corridor. She assumed that he followed her and came here . And so she started her hide and seek game . But before that Abhi saw her and started to run behind her he draged her by hand and pulled her by holding her hand in the back

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