Natsu X Sick!Reader (Fairy Tail) One-Shot

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Hello everybody sorry for the late update, I had been busy over the past couple of weeks ever since and I actually thought of stopping the book here, you know. Giving up Wattpad and carry on. But I guess I couldn't just let it go. But if anybody actually enjoys my book, then I guess I'll have to keep on going. If not, well... I guess that's the end of this book now. 

So anyway I hope that you enjoy this story and I'll see if I can continue on...


I groaned as I heard knocks at the front door, getting out of the bed and going downstairs to see who it was. I made my way to the stairs, thinking it was probably either Lucy or Erza, wanting to check up on how I was doing. I know Gray wouldn't check up on me because he has Juvia chasing him every single day, Natsu... I don't he cares. He's probably with Happy, eating outrageously at some restaurant or he could be out on a job from Mirajane. But to be honest, I didn't care. Because I was half-asleep trying to get to the door to see who was disturbing me from my peace in the house while I was sick. I got to the door and opened to see Natsu standing there, giving me the cutest smile. 

"What's up, (Y/N)?!" He yelled, making me have a small pain on my head. I cringed and held my head for support. 

"Natsu, stop yelling in front of me. You know that I'm sick right?" 

"Yeah, umm... Sorry." 

He looked to the side, looking nervous and blushing. I tilted my head in confusion as he scratched his head lightly. 

I smile at his shy mood. "It's fine, Natsu. You wanna come in and eat something?" 

He nods his head in happiness as I let him in first and closed the door behind me. I walk behind him as he sits down at the dinner table, looking around like he's never been here before. But we often have sleepovers for the time being. Not that we had to, but more like we wanted to. We were like brothers and sisters, and the first time I met Natsu was the time he introduced me to the Fairy Tail Guild. I felt glad to be a member of Fairy Tail, but sometimes I got uncomfortable of how Natsu always follows me around and talks to me whenever I'm busy. But overall, we manage to become best friends. I wish I could be more than best friends with Natsu, though. I tried to make him think of what I'm thinking, but he wouldn't understand now would he? He's always an outgoing person, who always loves to have fun. But sometimes I think he overdoes it and eventually hurts somebody these days. That includes me. I was plainly walking out on a job with Natsu and the rest of his friends on a rainy day when all of a sudden Natsu and Gray were arguing against each other, saying things that were so ridiculous like 'I can eat faster than you!' or 'I'm waaaay better at fighting than you!' I tried ignoring it, but I couldn't take it anymore. All the arguing and the yelling made me have a pain in the head. So I intervened in front of them, but the two idiots glared at me and mistakenly thought it was someone else, so they accidentally pushed me into a cold river.

And that's how I got sick. 

Now I'm here with Natsu, making hot tea for him and me being sick. I could literally ask him to leave because I was sick, but it would be rude of me to do that. Plus... I kinda... like him. 

Not in as a friend, but more of a... you know. 'Boyfriend'. But I knew it was Natsu and why would he care even. I mean, he has Lucy so... 

I sighed and finish making the tea and bringing it to the table where Natsu was sitting and gave him a light smile while passing the cup to him. I sat beside him as he thanked me and slowly drank the tea. At first he took a sip and flinches from the hotness of the tea, he blows lightly for coolness as he continues to sip it down with his lips, minding the formal way of drinking the tea. I giggled lightly as I looked at him sipping the tea slowly. He looked so cute when he does that. 

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