Young Love (Griff) @Sparkleanimallover

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Character's name:Haylie

This imagine is going to be based off the new episode of Bunk'd:Camp Stinky Waka.

After a few hours of Big Stinky terrorizing the camp, me, Griff, and Xander went to track down Big Stinky.

"Here, stinky, stinky, stinky."Xander called out quietly.

"Guys, I don't want anything bad to happen to Big Stinky."Jorge told us.

Then, suddenly, Big Stinky appeared.

"There he is!"Griff exclaimed.Our attention turned to Big Stinky."Ok, you lil' stink box, your rein of terror is over!"Xander said to it.

He was about to grab him, but Jorge stopped him."No!"he said and got in front of Big Stinky."Jorge, what are you doing?"I asked him."You're right in the path of his butt cannon."Xander told him.

"I won't let you de-stink him and change who he is.If you do that, he won't be able to protect himself in the wild."he explained to us.

"What about protecting the camp?"I asked him."Just let me talk to him for one minute."Jorge told us and bent down to Big Stinky.

"Look Big Stinky, I know how it feels to have people judge you because you smell bad.That's just who we are.We can't do anything about it."he said to the furry creature.

"Well, you could take a shower."Xander told him, referring to Jorge.

"Or wear deodorant,"Griff suggested.

"Own more than one pair of underwear,"I said and they nodded in agreement.

"I was talking to the skunk,"he told us while standing up.

"Look guys, I bet if we leave Big Stinky alone, he would leave us alone."Jorge said.

"Right, buddy?"he asked him and Big Stinky turned around."See, kindness worked,he's leaving."Jorge said.But then, Big Stinky blasted Jorge right in the face!I bit my lip to keep from laughing.

"I thought we were friends!"Jorge exclaimed and he sprayed Jorge once more.

"Knock it off!"he said, but he didn't stop.

"The weird thing is, Jorge actually smells better now."Xander said and I nodded.

After Big Stinky was done butt blasting Jorge in the face, we caught Big Stinky and headed back to camp.

I was about to open the door to my cabin, but someone pulled me back.

I turned around to see it was Griff.

"Haylie, after all the craziness that's been going on lately, there's something that I've been meaning to ask you the day I laid eyes on you.Will you be my girlfriend?"he asked me and I was so shock.

"Me?Why me?I'm not the prettiest girl in the world and most guys here think that I'm a nerd.Plus, you're like the coolest guy at this camp.You can get any girl you want with those dreamy eyes of yours."I ranted.

"So what if you're not the prettiest girl in the world?That doesn't matter.Plus, I'd be lying if I said that quirkiness wasn't adorable."he told me and I smiled.

"That's the nicest thing a guy's ever said to me."I told him

"So, will you say yes?"he asked hopefully.

"Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend."I answered and he pulled me closer to him and we kissed.

I was fangirling so hard on the inside, but on the outside, I was like "keep it cool, Haylie.Keep it cool."

Once we pulled apart, he went to his cabin and I went to mine.I went to sleep with a huge smile on my face.

"Huh, this day actually turned out really well.Well, except for Jorge."I thought.I chuckled to myself.

Done.Here you go, @Sparkleanimallover.Let me know if there's anything you want me to change.

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