I Thought (Griff) @adreinchatnoir

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Character name:Isabella

Sorry for the title.Couldnt think of anything else.😕

It was like any other of the oddest days at Camp Kikiwaka, but it's way better than how I was living back home.I don't think that I can ever go back there again.Or tell anyone what happened.It's just too horrifying.

Anyway, back to what I was saying.

It was time for Jorge and Griff to see who is the best at bean bag toss.

To be honest, I'm rooting for Jorge all the way.Why, you may ask?Oh, nothing.It's just that I hate Griff.Not that he did anything to me to make me hate him, it's just that he's so cocky and full of himself.I don't understand why every girl in camp likes this boy.I guess girls just love the criminal type.Sarcasm very much intended there.

I was with Ravi when my attention turned to Jorge shaking all around.I gave him a perplexed look.

Me and Ravi walked over to him.

"Wow, that is quite the dynamic warm up routine for a bean bag throwing game."Ravi said.

"No, dude, a bug flew up my boxers."Jorge told him.

"That had to have been horrible!"I exclaimed.

"Actually, it just tickled."Jorge reassured me.

"I was talking to the bug,"I told him.

"Anyway, are you ready to take on Griff and etch your name in the camp record books?"Ravi asked him excitedly.

"Yep, you're looking at Camp Kikiwaka's new boss of toss."Jorge replied and stepped out of the way.

Jorge shot a bean bag into the hole and it got in!

We all cheered and clapped.

"Let's see Griff beat that!"Jorge exclaimed.

Suddenly, the doors of the mess hall flew open and fog came out.Then, someone shot a blue bean bag into the hole.We all turned out heads to see that is was Griff with 2 girls on either side of him.

"Sup, fellas.Guess who picked up a new sponsor."he said and held his arms out and the girls took off his robe and he turned around so we could read the shirt.

"Moose Rump Bail Bonds And Corn Dogs?"I read.It came out more like a question.

"Yeah, if get arrested 5 times, lunch is on them."he told us and I nodded slowly.

"Ok,"Ravi replied.

"Griff is blue, Jorge is red.First one to 21 wins."Ravi explained.

"I just gotta warm up my bag tossin' wrist."he said, cracking his knuckles."Ladies!"he called and the two girls started to massage his wrists."I need to warm up, too.Ravi!"Jorge called and he started to massage Jorge's wrist.

Then, the game began.

It was actually a really good game.At one time when Griff took a shot with him juggling them, the girls ran up to him and kissed him on the cheek.

Now, that's just too much.

After a couple of minutes into the game, Jorge and Griff were tied with 20 points each.

"Ok, Jorge.You and Griff are tied.The next bag in the hole wins."Ravi told him.

"You're 1 toss away from owning that record!"I exclaimed happily.

"But, all my bags are blocking the hole.This is the hardest shot in the game."Griff said cockily.

See what I mean?!

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