Prank War (Lincoln)

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Character name:Lauren

It was like every other Saturday morning.Just sitting in my bed, waiting for Lincoln to text me.

My prayer has been answered.I say that because I heard my phone go off and I saw that it was a text from Lincoln.

Babe-Hey, beautiful
Me-Hey, handsome

That's what we call each other, in case you didn't know.

Babe-So, are you doing anything today
Me-Nope.Just like every other Saturday😒
Babe-Hahaha, lol.Anyway, why don't you come over my house.I've got a HUGE surprise for you.😇🤗
Me-Sure.I could use SOME kind of excitement today.
Babe-Well, your definitely gonna get a LOT of excitement.😛😜
Me-Ok, now you're just starting to freak me out😛lol
Babe-That was kinda my goal.See ya later, bye.Love you ❤️💝
Me-Bye, love you too💕

I put my phone in my pocket and sprinted downstairs.I looked from the last step to see that she was in the living room, on her laptop.

"Hey, mom.Can you drive me to Lincoln's house?"I asked her politely.

"Oh, sure."she replied , shutting off her computer.We both headed out the door and to Lincoln's house.

About 20 minutes later, my mom pulled up in Lincoln's driveway."Have a great time, sweety.Love you, I'll pick you up at 4."she told me as she backed out of the driveway.

"Ok, bye mom!Love you, too!"I shouted to her as she drove away.

I turned around and slowly walked to his doorstep.The door opened before my knuckles could even scrape the wood."Well, that's not creepy at all."I thought.

I stepped in and call his name, but no one answered, so I just decided to look around for him.About 5 minutes later, I got tired of playing hide-and-seek.

Then, out of nowhere, I got blasted in the face with a water gun and got hit with a pie.

"LINCOLN, WHEN I FIND YOU, YOU ARE SO DEAD!"I yelled as I wiped the pie off of my face.

"YOU'LL NEVER FIND ME, LAUREN!"He yelled as he ran down the steps.

I knew exactly how to get him back.I went to the kitchen and grabbed some smoothie and egg from the fridge.I also filled up my water gun.What?!You think that I'm gonna come to his house,  NOT being prepared?

Anyway, I went to the place where he always hides:the movie room.

I silently opened the door and shut it.I crept in, quiet as a mouse.

Then, I heard something:a bang.

As I knew that it was Lincoln, I aimlessly threw the smoothie.I turned the lights on to see Lincoln little mad face.It was so adorable.

My little snicker soon turned into a HUGE laughter.I was laughing so hard that tears came out of my eyes.

Then, I felt something cold and watery hit my head.It was a bucket of ice water.He had planted it on the top of the door.

I was so angry that I just threw the whole carton of eggs at him.Fortunately, for him, a hair flip saved his life.

I got even MORE angrier and shot the water gun right at him.It hit him in the face.Then, I grabbed the water balloons that I had planted and started continuously throwing them at him.

"Alright, alright.I surrender."he said, holding his hands up.I put down my water balloon in victory with my victory smile.

"Well played, Matthews."he said."Thank you,"I said cockily.

"But, have you prepared yourself for this?!"he asked and quickly threw a bowl of chili at me, but I dodged it by doing a round off.

"Ha!You forgot two things:
1.I have 2 older brothers.
2.I take gymnastics."I told him.

"Huh, so you really have come prepared."he said shockingly.

"I always come to your house prepared."I told him.

After our little "Prank War" was over, we hung out.We played video games, watched a movie, etc.Then, I heard my cue:my mom honking the horn.

"I'm coming!"I yelled."Well, I gotta go."I told Lincoln."Ok, hug and kiss goodbye?"he asked with arms wide open.

I ran over to him and hugged him like there was no tomorrow.Then, I ended off with a kiss.

"Bye!"I said."Bye!"he replied as I shut the door.I ran to my mom's car and got in.Soon after, she drove away.

"So, how was hanging out with Lincoln?"my mom asked.

"It's a long and wild story.I'll tell you when we get home."I told her and she nodded towards me through the rear view mirror and I chuckled.

I love my odd little boy.

He is full of surprises.

So, just thought that I would do a late night update!By the way, it's 11:03 at night.Goodnight, my loves!💋❤️

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