Cuts Of Passion (Griff) @LoneLover100

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Character name:Daisy
Requested by-@LoneLover100

Today, I was gonna hang out with my best friend, Griff.

I sighed.

I hate using that word to describe Griff.

He's always thought of me as a friend, nothing more.And I can't stand it.I want to be something a whole lot more than just a friend.

Whenever people asked us "are you dating?", he would be like, "No, we're just friends." and it kills me inside.

Every time that happens, I would go home, take out a blade, and start cutting.

Of course, he doesn't know this because I don't want him to worry about me.

Anyway, I headed out to my cabin and went down to the lake and there he was.

"Hey, Daisy."he said as soon as he noticed me.

"Sup', Griff,"I said, sitting down next to him.

"So, how's my bestest friend in the whole world?"he asked me and I cringed at that word.

"He said it again,"I thought.

"You ok?"he asked worriedly.

"I'm fine,"I reassured him.He didn't look like he bought, but he just kept doing what he was doing.

"So, what do you wanna do, friend?"he said and I couldn't take it anymore.

I got up and ran back to my cabin.

"Daisy, wait!"he called after me, but I didn't think anything of it and kept on running.

Griff's P.O.V

As soon as those words left my mouth, she suddenly got up and ran.

"Aisy, wait!"I called after her, but she didn't listen to me.

I don't get it, what did I do to her?

Then, it suddenly hit me.

I called her a friend.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!Now she probably thinks that I only like her as a friend!"I thought.

I sighed to myself.

The truth is that... I don't like her as just a friend.I like her a lot more than that.I've always wanted to tell her how I feel, but I was afraid that she wouldn't like me the same way back.

I gotta go talk to her.

I ran to her cabin and opened the door quietly.

When I came in, I heard sobs coming from the bathroom.

I opened the door to see the most terrifying image:she was cutting herself.

Daisy's P.O.V

As soon as I got to my cabin, I laid on my bed and cried my eyes out.

After a few minutes of that, I went into the bathroom and started cutting my arms.

Then, the door opened to reveal Griff.

"What are you doing to yourself?"he said, grabbing the blade out of my hands.

He picked me up by my waist and sat me in the counter.

He grabbed the medical kit and began to clean my cuts.

When he was finished, he looked up at me with a sad expression.

"Why did you this to yourself?"he asked me.

"Cause' I was so done with you thinking of me as just a friend.Griff, I've like since the day you came to camp.But, I guess you don't feel the same."Then, the next thing I knew, his lips were on mine.

"Aisy, if you didn't already know, I've always liked you too.I was just so afraid of the thought that you might reject me that I didn't even think to try."he told me.

"Daisy, I'm gonna say something to you that I should've said a long time ago."he said.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"he asked and all I could do was nod my head because there were tons of tears coming out of my eyes.

He hugged me and spun me around 5 times.

After the 5th, he put me down.

"But, you have to promise me one thing."he said.

"You have to promise that you won't do that anymore."he said, motioning to the cuts on my arm.

"Done,"I said and he kissed me again.

I just couldn't believe I was his now.

Griff's P.O.V

I can't believe she's mine now.

Hey guys!Sorry for being so inactive, but I had decided to take a little break because all my schoolwork is piling up.But, I'm back now and I'll try to post more often.I'll start by making some short imagines for you guys to peek at.I'll still do a few long ones here and there, but I want you guys to have something to read on this book.

Anyways, love you and stay awesome! 😎

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