The End.

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I'm so disappointed in myself and sorry to be doing this, but I'm cancelling this story. I will not be writing anymore.

I feel awful/like a failure and I hate letting you all down but I've outgrown this story and this fandom a bit. I don't enjoy writing anymore and rather than it being a fun release like it used to be, it's become stressful. For the last month I've been trying so hard to write but every time I do, nothing happens. In fact, I haven't managed to write a single word.

Before all this I really did enjoy writing this story and I love my plot and characters still, and I had soooo many ideas but I just don't want to write it anymore. Thank you all a hundred times(!!!) over for your support in both me and my story, it means a lot. Often you guys were ( and are ) the only people I could turn to and Wattpad was a really good escape from my real, stressful and hard life.

I love communicating with you guys so please don't stop messaging me (I just might not be on as often) for anything you need and also if you have any questions about the story/where it was going ask here and I might answer (because there was A LOT planned) :)

Thank you all so much.
Love always,
Louisa x ❤️❤️❤️

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