• Thirteen || Contrastive •

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"It's pointless to go further."

Ilhoon rose his eyebrow to Changsub who was immediately declaring a retreat from the final war. "Why would it be pointless? We still had our final ace, Changsub.", "I mean if Sungjae dies, then it's all over.", "It would only be over when Joy stood the same pace with them.", "What do you mean?" He rose his eyebrow, as Ilhoon chuckled. "Did you forget how soft-hearted that lady is? If she sees her father in this side, she would go with us. In that way, it's a fail to save the last soul which is Sungjae." With a click of tongue, Changsub nodded with a hint of doubt in his eyes. "It's a little worry some since we all know that Sungjae only needs to shed some emotions just to leave his immortality behind..."

"You still worry about that jerk when he didn't even joined our clan." Ilhoon murmured, as Changsub sighs heavily. "I'm not worrying about him, it's just...", "For damn's sake Changsub. We all know that you still treat him as a little kid. That's the reason why we were late. If you just killed him immediately before Joy comes, then it's already over for them."

He rolls his eyes, muttering. "You're thinking non sense, Ilhoon.", "I would think of nonsense since I'm always left behind ever since our years before.", "What do you mean?"

Ilhoon shrugs, shaking his head. "We all know that in the end you would still side with him along with Minhyuk. But guess what? I won't." He stood up, before bumping his shoulders into Changsub.

"Go save your dongsaeng, he wasn't worth the fight anyways."

Changsub shook his head, before slamming his fist in the table. "Bullshit."


"That's impossible, Sungjae."

Sungjae knot his brows together, focusing into the dart infront of him, as he threw a small rock to aim for the center, hissing lightly after missing. "Are you even listening?" Irene retorted, as Sungjae nodded. "To declare your feelings out loud or not, it won't change the fact that my feelings for her were growing.", "You need to disappear immediately so that both of your souls would be saved before the war happens."

Sighing heavily, Sungjae sat down with sweat dripping down from his body. "She... doesn't want me to disappear.", "You don't want to disappear too, right?" With a flustered expression, Sungjae gulped before muttering. "I wanted to spend a lot of time with her before I disappear, but I guess it's impossible when Changsub and his clan kept on budging in."

With a chuckle coming from Irene's lips, she murmured. "Isn't it cruel?", "You've experienced this before, right?" Sungjae asked, before Irene nodded. "It was a tragic love, like Hyunsik and Seulgi's... soon to be followed by you and Joy."

Lowering his head, he sighs heavily before standing up. "Where are you going?", "To Joy's." Smiling, Irene mumbled. "Are you confessing?", "No! Why would I?"

"Then what would you do?", "I... I wanted to see her, if that's fine."

Irene giggled, nodding. "Go, and make sure to enjoy your time together.", "Is it fine?" Irene almost tears up at an unknown reason, as she nodded. "You've changed a lot Sungjae, and I'm proud of you." With a blush creeping on Sungjae's face, he shook his head before muttering. "Stop being dramatic, Irene.", "Aw, you're not using any curse right now. It's cute." She smirks, as Sungjae rolled his eyes before walking away. "I'm leaving."


Joy stood silently in front of the sea side, sighing heavily as she traces the embedded designs of the tiny jar she was holding into.

It was a small pink jar that has traces of black velvet designs all over the mouth opening, with pieces of paper written and rolled inside with a light purple ribbon wrapped all over the cover. She stares heavily into the empty space, before she saw a familiar figure walking near her. A smile twitches her lips upwards, as her eyes narrowed a little to turn her figure near the smiling other one to walk towards her.

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