Chapter 23

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Raylise's POV

I WILL GET MY REVENGE ON PRESTON!!! If it's the last thing I do. I promised myself. My hate was too much, I had to get it out somehow.

James came out, fully dry, while we were all soaking wet. He looked the strongest out of all the guys here so I punched him with all the force I could muster. He stepped back and rubbed his chest where I punched him.

"Ow! What did I do?" He asked.

"Nothing, you were just the best punching bag I could find on short notice." I snapped. He raised his hands as if surrendering.

"Then punch away." He said. I didn't feel like hitting him now that he let me, so I walked away to Kaylee.

"This may not be a good time to tell you right now but I think you would be more mad at me from keeping this a secret from you." She said eyeing me cautiously. What the hell is she on about?

"What?" I asked confused.

"Ok, look at James and then look at us, do you see something different?" She asked. I glanced at James, then glanced at Kaylee then down at myself. What's the difference? I repeated the glancing route about three times before saying something.

"Oh! I know the difference! He's a guy and we are girls, duh." I said brilliantly. Kaylee slapped her forehead.

"No! We were just running from a tsunami weren't we?" She says slowly. Why? I'm not stupid.


"Where was he when we were trying to get away? Did you see him running with us? Because I didn't." She says. Derek comes to stand with us.

"I didn't see him either, plus we're soaking wet and he's completely dry. Not a spot of water on him. Suspicious, I'd say." Derek said.

I looked at James again. It's true. He isn't dripping with water. In fact he looks like he's been sitting in the sun for how long?

"I...." I didn't know what to say. "So you want me to, like, spy on him or something?" I asked confused as to what they were getting at. Derek and Kaylee exchanged glances.

"Bingo." They said.

Nick's POV

I didn't know whether I should tell Kaylee and Derek and Raylise about what I noticed about Preston what with Raylise being angry at the moment. I looked at them again. Raylise looked like she was thinking hard glancing back and forth between Kaylee, James and herself.

I looked at James as well. He looked dry. I spotted some blotches of red on his shirt. I looked like.... No. It can't be. Blood. He has blood on his shirt. I found myself slowly stepping away from him. I pulled Maddie with me. What if he's a serial killer or something? What if he murders us while we sleep?

"What? What is it?" Asked Maddie in a low voice.

"James. I think he has..... he has....." I couldn't force the word out. Luckily Maddie got what I meant as her eyes widened when she saw the red spots on James' shirt. Her face paled.

"We have to tell them. Now." Maddie said, but neither of us moved. James looked at us in that moment. He smiled. There was blood on his teeth as well. I swallowed loudly and blinked. I looked at Kaylee and she saw my frightened expression and dragged Derek over to us. Raylise followed them.

"What is it?" They asked taking in Maddie's and my expressions.

"James." whispered Maddie.

"He's got blood on his shirt." I forced out.

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