A word from Poppy.

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You have now entered the magical world of Castropia, which is filled with the same things you will find in little kids dreams. But be warned, not everything you find in Castropia is happy and cheerful. There are still hellish figures lurking in the shadows. The world isn't perfect and never will be.

Hello, I'm Poppy Wings and I'm and fairy.

Yeah I know what you're thinking, "Oh wow another lame story about mythical creatures, yawn." But you're wrong! Mythical creatures are not lame, and the more you say they are the more the Grimm Brothers are rolling over in their graves! (If you don't know who they are you should stop reading now and go look them up!)

While I'm on the subject let me tell you that everything, or one thing, you think you know about fairies is wrong! We are not small delicate creature like Tinker Bell! Those are Pixies! (If you did know that then good for you! But this is not a game show and no one cares.) Fairies are agile and strong willed. Made for fighting.

So let's see, where was I? Oh right! I'm Poppy and I'm a fairy. I am almost sixteen years old, which means something bad will happen, or at least that's what I was told. I still go to Mythical Training School. It's not bad really, I happen to like school.

I have lots of friends, well actually only a handful but they act like a lot. They are the best friends a person could ask for, well some of them can be a little nerve racking. (You'll meet my great friends soon.)

But along with friends I also have enemies. They mainly consist of witches, then there's Tory's older brother- he's a vampire. (You'll meet them as well.)

I hope I didn't scare you in this short prologue.

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