Chapter 14

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After I had left the nurses office I was still in a small state of shock. Although this shock was different from the usual state of shock that I would find myself in, this was the kind of shock that you would get when you open gifts on Christmas. An amazing shock.

I walked to class, I don't really know why. Class was almost over and I was already late. I should have just stayed with Tyler until the bell rang. But I am sure that Nurse Shell would not have allowed that.

As I walked to class I let my mind wander. I cannot believe that Tyler thinks that I am beautiful. Or that we kissed in front of a crowed of students.

Word tends to spread pretty quickly here so I wouldn't be surprised if Tory, Poppy, and Dante know before lunch.

"Tyler and I are going to get an earful at lunch." I said, rolling my eyes.

Once I reached the classroom door the bell rang. "Well, so much for Environmental Science." I said, letting out a sigh. Honestly I wasn't too upset about missing this class, I think I had a test. I turned around and started walking to my next class.

The halls slowly started to fill with students. I looked around. Everyone was walking and talking or gossiping with one another by their lockers. They laughed loud and chatted on as I walked by.

I couldn't help but wonder how many of them were gossiping about random nonsense and how many were talking about Tyler and I.

I let out another sigh and kept walking to class with my head held high. I can't be bother to worry about what everyone thinks of me. My business is mine, not anyone else's. And that is how it should stay.

Once I reached my classroom the bell rang, to signal that class would be starting soon. I walked in and found my usual seat, toward the back.

I looked around the room.

My fourth period class is a pretty small class but today it seemed to be a lot smaller than usual.

I got a notebook and my pencil out and set them on my desk.

When the final bell rang there were probably a handful of students in class.

I guess not many people studied for today's test.

Mr. Stone walked into the room and closed the door behind him. He looked at the few students that showed up and shook his head, chuckling.

"Well if it is just going to be a handful of you then there is no point in having a test." He said, walking to his desk.

We all looked at each other, shocked and confused.

"Really?" We all asked, sort of at the same time.

"Yeah. For today we'll watch a documentary about the Mermaid/ Witch War." She said, turning on the projector and starting the movie.

Sweet! I hope no one shows up tomorrow.

I put my notebook and pencil away and got ready for another boring documentary.

When the bell rang almost everyone was asleep. They jumped in their seats and sleepily grabbed for their bags. I snickered at them and grabbed my bag. Then I headed out for lunch.

I walked into the cafeteria and grabbed some food, then I walked out to the group table.

Once I was at the table I noticed that I was the first one there.

"I love being first!" I said, in a sing song voice as I chose a spot and set my tray down.

"Hey, Finn." Poppy said, as she and Tyler walked over to the table. Tyler was looking better; the nose bleed was gone.

"Hey Poppy." I said, as she sat down across from me.

"What, as I invisible already?" Tyler asked, sitting down next to me.

"I'm sorry." I said, kissing his cheek.

"That's better." He said, smiling and opening his soda.

"You look better."

"Yeah, I was practically back on my feet and moving around after you left."

"That's good to know." I smiled at him and went back to eating my food.

"You know, if Tory and Dante were here they would be making up a lot of immature and embarrassing names for you two." Poppy said, giggling.

"Oh? You mean like you were doing as we were walking here?" Tyler said.

"Yeah, but theirs would be more thought out. Mine were just the first things that popped into my mind." Poppy said, eating her sandwich.

"Aww there's the couple that has the whole school buzzing!" Tory said, sitting down next to Poppy.

"Aren't they cute?" Dante asked, sitting next to Tyler.

"Why yes, Dante. I would agree that they are." Tory said.

Tory and Dante burst into a fit of laughter. I rolled my eyes and Tyler elbowed his brother in the side.

"They need a cute couple nickname." Tory said.

"Oh I couldn't agree more." Dante said.

"Alright you two." Poppy said, to Tory and Dante.

"What?" Tory said, "We're just saying what everyone is thinking. Possibly even saying."

"Yeah! You two are all everyone can talk about." Dante said, "Especially in my third period class."

"Yeah. It's been nonstop. Surprisingly the most talked about part is when Tyler ran into the wall and not your guys big kiss." Tory said.

"What was up with that?" Dante asked, dipping a French Fry into some ketchup and popping it into his mouth, "Couldn't get Finn's attention?"

Tyler blushed and scratched his head nervously. "Well...uh?" He stammered. He was about to explain when the bell sounded.

"Well would you look at the time." I said, grabbing my things, "Ready to go Tyler?"

"Hell yeah." Tyler said, grabbing his things and walking with me. We rushed away from the table and into the building.

"That was close." He said, when we got to my locker.

"That's what I was thinking." I said, opening my locker and grabbing my book for Government.

"Hey, I was wondering. Do you, maybe, want to go get dinner on Friday? Or maybe ice cream?"

"Sure, that sounds like fun." I said, closing my locker.

"Awesome. I've got to get to class, but I'll see you after class."

"Sure thing."

He smiled and gave me a quick peck on the lips. Then he turned around and walked to class. I smiled and leaned onto my locker so I didn't fall on the floor as I took in that amazing kiss.

Those kisses are not going to be an easy thing to get used to, not when they are that good. A person could get addicted to kisses like those. I used to imagine what it would be like to kiss Tyler but never did I imagine that it would be like that.

When I felt like I wasn't as light headed I straightened myself and walked to my class.

I almost felt like I was walking on a cloud, so light and above gravity.

"I hope I will always feel this way." I said, giggling and walking with a skip in my step.

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