Chapter 2

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Everyone was yelling after Poppy but I knew she couldn't hear them.

I'm sure that after running into the forest she flew back home and our screams are nothing more than muffled noise.

I can't believe he said that! Who says something like that at a party. Especially when that party is for the person he supposedly "loves more than life itself"!

He makes me so mad sometimes! But this time he's made me furious! He practically ripped Poppy's heart out and crushed it, the look on her face proved it.

"You idiot!" I growled, pointing at Avery, "You moron! I could punch you, you idiot! You are so stupid!"

"Man I've never seen her this angry! And I've made her pretty mad." Dante said, stepping away from me, "You really messed up, dude."

"I think her eyes are on fire." Finn said, sitting down to watch, what she likes to call. The "show".

"Wow you messed up bug time." Tyler said.

"I'm going to kill you! I'll tear you limb from limb you freaking idiot!" I said, "Why in the world would you do something like this to the person you swear up and down you 'love more than anything'?!"

"I don't know, okay! I'm sorry and I'm stupid! And did I mention how sorry I am?" Avery said, shaking.

"Oh no! Don't tell me that! You have to go to Poppy's house and tell her that, Idiot!" I growled.

"I-I can't. I have to leave soon..." He said, taking a step back and almost falling.

"Oooh this is getting good." Finn said, deviously.

It was at this point that my anger had reached the boiling point and I started speaking French to mask some choice words. I rarely get this angry, it takes a lot to push me to my breaking point.

"Is she cussing in French?" Tyler asked, sitting down next to Finn.

"Huh? I always thought she was French." Finn said, giggling.

"Ha! I just thought of another question." Dante said, laughing.

"Do not start with me Dante!" I said, with a slight French accent.

"Y-yes ma'am." He said, truly frightened.

This is the first time I have ever heard Dante truly scared. It was kind of fun. If I wasn't so upset with Avery, I'd pat myself on the back.

I looked back at Avery, who looked scared but determined. My anger subsided a little.

"You know what? Go! Go on your stupid journey and have fun earning your stupid 'future credit'! But when you return and everything's different don't say I didn't warn you." I said, gathering Poppy's gifts and walking away.

If I were a Witch bitch that would probably have turned into a curse. Good thing I'm a Vampire.

"Where are you going?" Tyler asked, a little shaken from my outburst.

"I'm going to cheer up a dear friend and make sure she doesn't catch anything on fire and burn all your stuff again!" I said, "You coming Finn?"

"There is no way I'm missing a burn party!" She said, leaping from her chair and following behind me, "Bye boys!"

We walked to my car and I explained to Finn that we wanted to stop Poppy from burning things if she's starting too. That would be dangerous with the states she's in.

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