Chapter 3

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When 11:30 rolled around I left to meet up with Professor Finns, the female Science teacher for Mermaids and Mermen.

She's a Mermaid but she has the power, and technology, to change her tail into legs whenever she wants. Everyone believes that she was tested on as a child, which would explain why she is so weird, but I don't know what to believe.

I had my clothes and phone packed neatly in a duffel bag and a notebook for when something interesting happens and I need to take notes for her new book.

My mom insisted I take a camera so I can show my friends everything that I did, that is if I even have friends anymore. I did, take the camera, just to humor my mother and I brought the one I got from Poppy, for Christmas, that can send picture to a person's email.

I had already told my parent's about the journey I was going on and they were thrilled that I was taking up an extra assignment for school, especially when it also gives me future credit. I wasn't able to tell them goodbye before I left though.

You see my parents are in Afritopia, another country, and the only way to talk to them is through video chat and I guess the line was busy. Instead I just sent them an email.

I said goodbye to Dante and Tyler when I left the party, after I helped clean up, but I didn't have enough time to stop by Poppy's house to apologize and say goodbye, if she would have even listened.

"Bye." Dante said.

"" Tyler said.

I don't even know if I can now that Poppy is so upset with me.

When I got to the school I helped Professor Finns load everything onto the bus.

"So what are we looking for exactly on this journey?" I asked, when we finished loading our equipment and got on the bus.

I chose a seat that was close to the front.

"We are going to study the effect of Fairy power and Mermaid power. Legend says that if you combine the strength of a Mermaids tail with the speed and agility of a Fairy's wings you can create a force strong enough to stop a witch's magic." She said, as the bus started up and headed off from the school.

"Okay, but why do we need to know this?" I asked.

"I just want to know if it's true so I can put it in my book. But before I can do the tests on it we need to spend a week, or so, finding the person who came up with this theory so I can ask a few questions. Are you ready?"

I think it's a little too late to ask if I'm ready. So I took a deep breath to clear my head and slowly let it out.

"Yes ma'am." I said, "One question though. Where is this guy who came up with the theory?"

"I have no idea..." She said, laughing nervously and scratching her head.

What have I gotten myself into this time? And I got into it alone, no one to help bail me out.

"But don't worry! We'll be fine!" She said, quickly.

Oh joy...

We sat on the bus quietly before she said, "It's a woman."

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"A woman came up with the Fairy/Mermaid theory. She's an Elf. Earlier you asked if I knew where 'this guy' was. I just wanted to clarify."

"Oh, I'm sorry. How did an Elf come up with a theory that involves Fairy's and Mermaids?"

"I don't know. Maybe you can ask Ruby when we meet her."

"Ruby? Is that her name?"

"Yeah. Ruby Grace."

"Ruby Grace? That name sounds familiar. Did she work on anything else? Maybe I've read some of her other work/"

"That' not possible. The Fairy/Mermaid theory is the only thing she's ever written. Maybe one of your teacher have mentioned her, or possibly your parents."

Yeah maybe. But that name sounds really familiar...

I looked out the window and noticed that we were already leaving the city limits of Castropia and headed toward the jungle that separates Castropia from all the other cities and towns.

"It's going to be a long trip so you should rest up now."

"Yes ma'am." I said, getting comfortable and resting my head on the window.

I tried to sleep but I couldn't, my mind kept wandering.

I sat up and looked around the bus. Professor Finns was asleep in the back and the driver was wearing headphones and paying close attention to the road.

I looked out my window and saw that the sun was starting to set. It was magnificent! The colors were so warm with reds and yellows that blended to make beautiful shades of orange. There was a hint of pink that formed a small halo around the sun.

The colors reminded me of wings. Not just anyone's wings though. No it reminded me of Poppy's wings. And how bright they would be when she's happy.

My mind started to wander again. I remembered all the things Poppy told me about the beauty of a sunset, and how it can set the mood for a full moon.

There was a time when Poppy and I would watch the sun set and she would tell me fact about them. Those were days I promised myself I would never forget.

One specific memory came to mind. Two months ago we sat on a hill in the park, our park, and watched the sun set.

It was quiet and nice, Poppy laid back in the grass and sighed a dreamy sigh and said, "You know they always sais if you watched a beautiful sunset then, chances are, your soulmate is also watching it."

She looked at me and smiled.

She looked so small and fragile, like a china doll. I've always wanted to hold her but I've always been afraid to touch her, like I thought she would break or something.

I looked at her and blushed a little.

"I guess anything is possible." I said, looking back at the sunset.

I locked that memory up safe in my mind. I didn't really know if it was true but I hoped it was.

I looked back at the magnificent sunset and smiled. Something told me that Poppy was looking at the same sunset.

I wish she was here to experience this with me. To see the beauty firsthand with someone who cares deeply for her, even if my actions today ruined things. I'll make it up to her!

I took my camera out of my bag and took a picture of the sunset and emailed it to Poppy. Just because she can't be here with me doesn't mean I'm not watching it.

When the email sent I couldn't help but wonder where she was and if her wings were the color of the sunset or if she was still mad at me and her wings were low and dull.

I let out a sigh and mentally kicked myself for not apologizing for springing this on her at the last minute, and on her birthday! I mean who does something like that!

Tory's right I am an idiot!

If anything I could have sent her an email apologizing, but it's too late now! And, honestly, what good is an email? With what I've done the only way to fix it would be to go to her house and, on my knees, beg for her forgiveness. Tory knew that, she tried to tell me that, but I didn't listen...

I decided to try my luck at sleeping again. I didn't even care if my mind forced me to dream of how much I hurt Poppy- or all I saw was Poppy's hurt face all night- as long as I slept and let my body rest. 

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