Chapter 12

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Professor Finns and I have been walking through the Jungle for two days, it's the beginning of the second day and it's really early.

Passing tree after endless tree and ducking under a branch or two every not and then, that it what my journey has consisted of do far. And we're probably not even halfway through the Jungle right now.

To make matters worse my back hurts and my mind won't let me forget, for even a minute, about Poppy. Everything reminds me of her.

"Even the trees remind me of her." I said, under my breath.

I'm not even sure how a tree can remind me of her! Maybe it's the way the branched sway with the mind that reminds me of her hair on a windy day. Or maybe it's that it just stands firm like how she stands firm with her beliefs.

I really should have apologized before I left. Then maybe I would be able to sleep at night without the feeling of guilt creeping in on me.

I was suddenly pulled from my thoughts by the sound of Professor Finns talking.

"Avery? Did you hear me?" She asked.

I looked up and noticed that she was stopped, looking at me. "Un no. Not really..." I said, embarrassed.

"I said that we shouldn't be far off now."

"How do you know?"

"It's just a gut feeling. And I always trust my gut." She said, turning back around and walking forward.

I froze where I was standing, shocked. She has got to be kidding...

"Hold on a second. You think we're close because of a feeling you got in your gut? A feeling that could possibly be hunger!"

"Yes, I always do. You should try it sometime kid. Maybe it will help you with the problem that's weighing so heavily on your mind." She said, more chipper than usual.

We kept walking when I heard an unusual noise. This sound was different from the sound of the Jungle; a sound I had grown used to over the last two days.

Professor Finns reached into her pocket and pulled out a small cell phone. She had told me, before we started out journey, that she had brought one with her but it was for emergencies only! She said that it would be rare if it goes off while we're on this journey.

"I will be right back. Wait right here." She said, then she disappeared into the Jungle. I watched her jog away as I sat down onto a rock to wait. I have never seen her in such a hurry, whoever was calling must be important.

I sat on the rock, debating if I should listen in on her conversation, who knows it could be important for me too. I sat there for a moment, weighing my options, then I figured that I'd just have to trust my gut.

I got up off of the rock and quietly crept into the Jungle, where Professor Finns went.

Once I had spotted her, and was in earshot, I stopped and listened.

"Yeah, we're almost there." Professor said. She sounded friendly but slightly annoyed.

Maybe she's talking to Ruby.

"Mhm. Yes, I know!" She said, "Don't worry about me! I'll be fine, and I'll get you the formula! Just stop bugging me, okay!"

Okay? Maybe she's not talking to Ruby. I've never see her so upset.

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