Chapter 18

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I laid in bed and let my mind wander. My head was throbbing from all of the emotions that were running wild. Maybe if I just lie here it will piece itself together.

After coming into contact with Avery, for the first time in almost a week, I was trying to stay as close to Ian as I could, without seeming needy. But I feel that he's starting to notice.

I sat up and looked at my clock.

"Seriously! I have three hours until I need to be awake." I said, under my breath.

I looked at my phone, nothing from Ian and nothing else from Avery.

He sent me almost thirty texts yesterday, but when lunch time came around I didn't get anything. It's like he finally got the hint.

I got out of bed and grabbed my clothes, then I went to get a shower.

What else am I going to do? Lie in bed and let my mind wander again? As if.

When I was finished I went down to the kitchen. I grabbed something to eat and started the coffee maker, to take up some time.

After all of that there was only an hour until Tory would come to pick me up, Ian has football practice early this morning.

"It's okay. I'm going to be okay." I repeated to myself quietly, "I'll be fine on my own."

I was sitting on my couch, drinking my coffee, when I got a text. I checked my phone and the caller ID read, "Dante"

I opened the message. It read, "I messed up."

I rolled my eyes.

What did he do this time?

Well he obviously didn't tell Tory how he feels about her because if that were the case he would have said something happier.

"What are you talking about?" I text back.

"Avery and I were talking yesterday and he took everything I said in a totally different direction..." He texted back.

"What? What are you talking about?"

"I think it will all make sense when you get to school."

I was seriously confused, but no matter how many time I texted Dante he wouldn't answer me back.

Oh Dante, what did you do now?

I was pacing in my living room when Tory pulled up to my house. She had to honk three times before I realized that she was here.

I grabbed my bag and rushed out to her car. I got inside and almost slammed the door.

"Are you okay?" Tory asked.

"We have to get to school! Fast!" I said, out of breath.


"I don't know. Dante wouldn't tell me! Just drive!" Tory didn't say anything, she just stepped on the gas and drove.

At school she parked in her usual spot and killed the engine. We both bolted out of the car and to the picnic table.

Tyler, Finn, and Dante were already there.

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