Chapter 17

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I stood there, frozen, as Poppy and Ian walked into the building.

How did this happen? Poppy and Ian, Tory's older brother! We used to make fun of Ian and now he's the one whose holding her while I sit on the side lines. I feel like I'm dreaming, except this would be categorized as a nightmare.

"Avery! Earth to Avery!?" Someone said, beside me.

I pulled my gaze away from the new, to me, couple and looked over to see Tory and Dante on my left and Finn and Tyler on my right.

"Looks like he found out." Finn said, following my gaze to where Poppy and Ian used to be.

We all started to walk into the building. I was walking slower than everyone else, trying to take it all in. Tory fell back to walk beside me.

"How did this happen?" I asked.

"Well after her party she was really hurt." Tory said, shrugging.

"So she just jumped into the arms of the enemy?" I said, shocked, "And it was your brother of all people."

Tory sighed and smacked me in the back of the head.

"Ow!" I said, rubbing my head.

"Like I said, when you return and everything is different don't say that I didn't warn you! It was weird for me too but I got used to it. She can make her own decisions and if there are consequences than she will have to get passed then, on her own." Tory said, walking to class.

I stood still, rubbing my head, and took in what Tory had just said, "I guess I didn't expect it to be this different." I said, under my breath.

I took a deep breath and walked to my first class, meeting back up with Tyler.

It only took two hours for me to melt back into that ways of school, but I feel like I will never be able to melt back into a society where Ian and Poppy are together What's worse is that everyone is cool with it, even the group. They are acting like this has always been a thing.

Tyler and Finn told me that Poppy and Ian reflect each other, they are "amazing" together, and that Ian is a "changed man". But I can't go along with something like this. Ian is pure evil, I know!

When the bell to end fourth period, and start lunch, sounded I was already in school lunch mode.

I got to the cafeteria and grabbed some food when I remembered that everyone was going to fill me in on what I had missed.

I chuckled a little and walked to the table. Everyone was there except for Poppy, again.

"So are you all ready to fill me in on what I have missed?" I asked, sitting down. Everyone looked at each other and laughed deviously.

Tory looked at me, "Let's start with hookups. You already know about Poppy and Ian."

I nodded in agreement.

I wish I didn't...

"Honestly we were going to let you down gently with that one but you just so happened to stumble upon that shocker all on your own. It was your own fault therefore I don't feel so bad."

Gee thanks Tory...

"But don't worry there is another one that will lift your spirits." Tory added.

"And whose is that?" I asked.

"Tyler and Finn." Dante said, nodding at Finn and Tyler, who were sitting across from each other and smiling.

"Yep." Finn said, giggling.

"Shocking isn't it." Tyler said.

I smiled and patted Tyler on the back, "It's about time." Tyler just blushed and picked at his food.

"That's pretty much it for hook ups." Tory said, eating her food, "Unless you care about people who aren't a part of this group."

"Okay." I said, "What else did I miss?"

"Other than a couple of test, nothing." Dante said.

"Yeah, that's pretty much it." Tory said.

They looked at each other, blushed, and looked away.

Well that was very anticlimactic. I was really hoping forward to getting caught up on everything.

"Oh and I got a car." Tyler said, excitedly.

"Really?" I said, shocked.

"Yeah!" He's a terrific driver." Finn said, smiling. Tyler blushed again.

"Way to go, Tyler." I said, nudging him, "A good girlfriend and a car in one week. Is there nothing you can't do?"

"Well, would you look at the time. Ready to go to class, Finn?" Tyler asked, picking up his tray and bag.

"Sure." She said, picking up her bag and tray.

"I should be going too." Tory said, grabbing her things.

"I'm coming too." Dante said.

He was about to follow Tory when I grabbed his arm, "Hey Dante, can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure." He said.

"You coming, Dante?" Tory asked.

"Go on without me, I'll catch up later." Dante said, Tory nodded and walked away.

I was about to question why they were walking together when they didn't have a class together, or even near each other, but I thought it best to not overthink everything, especially after everything that I had found out today.

"What did you want?" Dante asked, sitting down across from me.

"It's about Poppy." I said.

"I wondered."

"I just can't understand how someone so honest and caring ended up with a jerk."

"I'm going to be honest with you, because we're friends and have been for a long time. Now what I am about to tell you is very personal and came from Poppy herself so listen carefully! The night of the party, before you told her that you were leaving, she told Tory and I-"

Dante started talking but I just, sort of, zoned out. I couldn't wrap my head around the idea of her being with Ian, I just couldn't. I didn't make sense. There was really only one option that worked.

"Unless she only likes bad boys!" I said, cutting Dante off.

"What? Avery were you even listening to a single word I was saying?"

"That makes perfect sense! Thanks Dante, you really helped me out! Listen, I've got to get to class but I'll see you tomorrow." I said, getting up and walking to class.

On my way I planned out how that was all going to go down.

I'll just have to start acting like a jerk and Poppy will have no choice but to fall for me.

I'm brilliant!

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