Chapter 6

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When I awoke the bus was stopped. I looked out the window and saw that we were parked at the entrance of the Jungle.

I sat up and stretched.

I should have known that the bus seats would not be good for my back. And something told tells me sleeping on the ground won't be any better.

"You awake?" Professor Finns asked, walking to the front of the bus.

"Yes ma'am." I said.

"Good. Grab your notebook and camera and let's get going."

"Alright." I said, grabbing my notebook, and a pencil, and slinging my camera around my neck.

"And hurry!" She said, heading off of the bus.

"Wait! Can I change first?" I asked, looking at my clean button up shirt and dark pants that I had worn for Poppy's party. I can't get this dirty, my mom would kill me!

"Sure, but make it quick. We're on a tight schedule." She said, getting off the bus.

"Alright, thanks." I said, putting my stuff down on my seat and grabbing some clothes. Then I rushed to the bathroom.

"Much better." I said, walking out of the bathroom and setting my old clothes on my seat, "I'm a genius for packing old clothes and my gym sneakers." I grabbed my notebook, pencil, and camera, and got off the bus.

I found Professor Finns sitting on a rock by the entrance of the jungle, waiting for me.

"Are you ready?" She asked, getting off of the rock.

"Yes ma'am."

"Then let's get going." She said, entering into the jungle.

And so the journey begins. I hope nothing goes horribly wrong while I'm in the jungle.

"How do you know Ruby lives in the jungle?" I asked, trying to keep up with her.

"It's just a hunch." She said, laughing a little.

That's not freaky.


"Isn't this beautiful?" She said, moving a tree branch out of her way.

She changed the subject on me! I still have so many unanswered questions and she changed the subject!

"Uh? Yeah, it's pretty neat." I said, looking around at the breath taking view that is the jungle.

Only the almighty one knows how big this place actually is...and we have to find an elf! Wow I really shouldn't have gone into this alone.

I let out a sigh and kept walking, trying to keep up with her as tree branches and leaves wacked me in the face.

"Uh there aren't and deadly plants or bugs where we're going are there?" I asked, leaping over a log.

She let out an annoyed sigh and said, "Yes, Avery. We are in a jungle, there are going to be some deadly plants and bugs."

"Oh, okay." I said, shaking a little.

I already knew that there were deadly animals but I hadn't even thought about the plants and bugs.

Professor Finns stopped and turned around. "Listen Avery, if you're scared you can back out now. I don't mind doing this on my own."

"No no. I'll be fine, I promise." I said, trying to hide how terrified I actually was.

"Alright then. Let's keep going." She said, turning back around and walking deeper into the jungle.

I'm already here, there is no way I'm backing out now. I just need to man up and not jump every time I hear a little noise. But Professor Finns makes it so hard when she laughs about weird and random things.

We walked for about three miles when Professor Finns stopped. "This should be a good place to stop and rest." She said, sitting on a rock and taking a water bottle out of her bag. I sat on the ground across from her and she tossed me a water bottle.

"Rest up now because the next break is where we're setting up camp and that won't be until night fall."

"Yes ma'am." I said, undoing the lid from my bottle and taking a sip.

"You don't have to call me 'ma'am' you know. You can call me Professor or Mrs. Finns."

"Yes ma- I mean Professor."

"It makes trips like these easier if you can trust the person you're with and I don't feel very trusted when you're calling me the same thing that I call the head master of the school." She said, laughing.

That's easy for you to say...

"Okay I'll try not to do it anymore." I said, placing the lid on my water bottle and setting it next to me. Then I leaned on the tree behind me.

"Rest while you can, we'll be leaving in a couple of minutes. We need to regain our strength."


We'll be walking until night fall? Now I'm really glad that I'd brought sneakers to change into. Something told me that this was going to be a long night.

After five minutes of resting Professor Finns got up off of the rock, she was sitting on, and grabbed her water bottle.

"Are we leaving?" I asked, getting up.

"Are you ready?"

I nodded and grabbed my water bottle.

"The let's go." She said, heading off.

"Yes Professor." I said, following after her.

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