Chapter 15

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The bus finally stopped at the school on Thursday morning. It was very early in the morning so no one was here.

When the bus was in park Professor Finns got up for her seat and walked to the front of the bus. I sat up and stretched as she stopped by my seat.

"Are you ready to get back into school mode?" She asked.

"I wish." I said, as I got up from my seat and grabbed my belongings, "I just got used to sleeping on something that wasn't my bed." She laughed and walked off of the bus, I got up and followed after her.

"Thank you very much Avery, for all of your help. I couldn't have done any of this without you." She said, extending her hand out to me.

"It was truly my pleasure." I said, shaking her hand, "And I'll give you those notes. When I'm finished they'll be all typed out and neat."

"Alright. Now the school knows that you won't be in today, so go rest up."

"Yes ma'am." I said, grabbing my things and walking home.

Once I got home the first thing I did was drop my belongings at the door. My arms were starting to get sore from holding bags and walking home.

I rubbed my shoulder and walked into the kitchen, I needed a snack.

I opened the fridge, looked around, closed the fridge, and grabbed an apple from the bowl on the table. I took a few big bites and walked to my bedroom.

I tossed the apple into the trash and laid down onto my bed.

My bed was much comfier than the ground and bus seat I had been sleeping on.

I yawned and stretched out on my bed. I laid my head on a pillow. I closed my eyes and waited for sleep.

I was about to fall asleep when I heard a sound from the doorway. I opened one of my eyes and saw my cat, shadow, standing in the doorway.

"Oh? Hey, Shadow."


I smiled as she jumped up onto my bed. She nudged one of my hands and purred. I scratched her head and she purred some more.

My eye lids became heavier and the sound of Shadow purring was the background noise to my dreams.

When I woke up and looked out the window it looked to be morning. Or later than it was when I had come home.

I sat up and looked at my alarm clock, it was an hour until school had started.

"Oh crap! I forgot to reset my alarm clock."

I know Professor Finns had told my teachers that I wouldn't be in class today but I had already missed so many days because of the quest into the Jungle, I didn't want to miss more because I was feeling fatigued. Besides I miss my friends

I rushed to my closet, grabbed some school clothes, and ran to the bathroom for a quick shower.

I had lost count of how many showers I had missed while I was with Professor Finns but I'm sure it was far too many.

When I was finished showering I grabbed something quick to eat, jotted a note for the cleaning lady saying that Shadow has not been fed, and left for school.

When I had gotten to school I wasn't as early as I had hoped I would be. I scouted out, and eventually found, the group picnic table. Everyone was there, everyone except Poppy.

My heart skipped a beat at the thought of Poppy. It has been almost a week sense I have seen her, and almost a week sense the Birthday Party Disaster.

I was going to take Professor Finns advice and trust my gut, and right now my gut was telling me that I had to tell Poppy how I really feel.

I took a deep breath and walked to the table.

"Good morning everyone." I said, upon arrival. Everyone's heads shot up and whipped in my direction, eye's wide.

There was an awkward silence, while everyone started at me, until Finn said, "Oh. My. God! Avery!" The she bolted from her seat and hugged me, tight. Soon after everyone got up and joined in on the hug.

"You're back! It's a miracle!" Tyler said, dramatically, "You survived being out on your own." We all laughed.

It felt just like old times again, except we were missing Poppy.

"You've missed a lot." Tory said, when we were all done hugging and seated at the table.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Well fill you in at lunch." Dante said.

"Yeah." Finn said, giggling and smiling at Tyler. He smiled back at her and Tory and Dante burst into a fit of laughter.

What in the world did I miss while I was gone?

"I can tell that lunch is going to be crazy." I said, laughing a little.

"Pretty much." Dante said, giving me a pat on the back.

"Where's Poppy?" I asked.

"I don't know. Probably running late." Tory said.

"Probably." Finn agreed.

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