Chapter 27

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Dante, Tory, and I quietly walked around the left side of the building and snuck into the closest entrance.

Once inside we quickly figured out where we were and easily found Professor Finns office.

The door was locked.

"What do we do now?" Tory asked. Tory and I looked at each other and then looked over at Dante.

"Why do you guys look at me?" He asked, sounding a little insulted.

"You are the rebel of the group." Tory said, as the same time I said, "Are you really going to deny it, Dante? This is like your destiny."

He muttered to himself as he dug through his pockets and pulled out a bobby pin. Then he pushed Tory aside, knelt down, and began to pick the lock. Tory and I looked at each other and smiled.

"We knew that you could do it." I said, triumphantly. Dante just rolled his eyes and kept picking the lock.

After some time, he finally got the door unlocked. He stood and opened it. We hurried inside and closed the door behind us, incase security was making their rounds at this time.

"Let's get started, check anywhere and everywhere." Tory said, "Remember, she's crafty."

"Got it." I said.

"Hey, thanks for picking the lock, Dante. We're sorry for stereotyping you." Dante said, mockingly, "No problem, girls. What are friends for." Tory and I just rolled out eyes and began to search. We all turned on our flashlights and took as desk, bookshelf, or filing cabinet.

While Dante was looking in the classroom closet for files he stumbled upon a copper pole. Tory and I walked over to check it out.

"What the? Why would a witch need her weakness?" Dante asked, taking the pole out of the closet to inspect it.

The pole was, maybe, 3 feet long and only a couple inches wide. From the look of it it was pure copper, not hollow.

"I think the better question is why do you have it?" Tory asked, snatching it out of his hands.

"Hey, it could be a clue." He said.

"Or it could be harmful!" She snapped.

"How about we keep it with us just in case we need it in the future." I said, trying to be the one to get us back on track without allowing a fight.

"Fine." Tory said, "But I'll hold onto it." She took the pole and walked back to the bookshelf she was searching earlier.

Dante gave me a questioning look and I just shrugged, then we went back to our search, Dante went back to the closet and I walked over to Professor Finns desk.

I scanned the top and found old, ungraded, tests and sticky notes, a lot of sticky notes. I opened the center drawer and found pens and pencils, her name tag, some more sticky notes with numbers written on them, and a copper key.

Man for someone who is weakened by copper she sure has a lot of copper objects lying around.

I placed the key on top of the desk, in case I found what it goes to. Then I continued to check the other drawers, only to come up short on anything involving the war.

"Anything?" Tory asked, walking up to me, "Because I've got nothing."

"I found a copper key." I said, picking it up and handing it to her, "But that is it,"

"Weird." She said, inspecting it.

"I know." I said, "I wonder what it goes to."

"Hey, guys. I think I found something." Dante said, from the closet. He stepped out carrying a medium sized box. Tory and I made our way over to him as he set it down on a desk.

Tory, Dante, and I examined the box. It was quite pretty, it had a glossy shine to it and the wood was very beaten but it still looked gorgeous looking. While I looked at another side my eyes stopped on the lock.

"Hey, Tory. Let me see that key for a second." I said, holding my hand out. She gave it to me and I attempted to inset it into the lock. It slid in with ease. I turned the key and unlocked the box.

"Man, I feel like were in some sort of spy movie." Dante said, "Like 007 meets Indiana Jones."

I rolled my eyes and opened the box. Inside were pieces of paper that, I could only assume, held information on the war along with a handful of manila envelopes and letters from someone named "Sargent E."

"Guy's, I think we have found what we're looking for." Tory said.

"I agree." I said, "Dante, do you want to radio Avery and tell him that we've succeeded with our part of the mission?"

"I'm on it." Dante said, he pulled the walkie out of his pocket and pressed the "talk" button, "Dante to Avery, come in Avery."

"Yes, Dante?" Avery's voice came through the speaker.

"We've found a lot of papers that refer to the war."

"Good. We're found her file in the office but it's empty." Avery said, "I would say that this mission was a success. Let's meet up in the hallway behind the theater stage. We'll exit through the door in the theater."

"Roger that." Dante said, before disconnecting.

I shut the lid to lock the box backup. Dante picked it up and Tory led the way out of the room, shutting the door behind Dante and I.

The walkie in Dante's pocket beeped and we heard Avery say, "We're here. Hurry guys, the security guards are about to make their rounds."

Dante's hands were full, with the box, so we didn't call him back. We just picked up our pace through the hallway.

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