Chapter 24

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We had everyone on board with stopping the war, well almost everyone. We still don't have Poppy completely on board. Tory said that she would help to convince her though.

Today, at lunch, we all agreed to come up with a plan to figure out how we are going to take down Professor Finns and what was are going to do if things take a turn for the worse.

I checked my watch, only a few more hours until I leave to meet up with everyone. Today was Sunday so that means Mystical Café will be closing early. We'll only have a couple of hours to plan everything out.

We all decided to meet up today after we were informed that school will be closed tomorrow for some unknown reason.

I gathered my notebook, the one with all of the notes I had taken for Professor Finns scribbled in it, and shoved it in my computer bag. Then I walked outside, and got into my car.

About an hour later I pulled up to Mystical Café, parked by the bike path, and locked my doors.

I entered the building and found Tory, Dante, and Poppy sitting in a corner booth.

Well isn't that funny, Tory and Dante are early and Tyler is late. How unusual.

I walked up to the table to find everyone in the end of, what seemed to be, a heated conversation.

"So are you in?" Tory asked, looking at Poppy.

"Yeah, I guess." Poppy said. She sounded a little exhausted.

I stopped at the table and everyone looked over at me.

"Hey guys." I said, "What did I miss?"

"Hey." They all said.

"I have finally gotten Poppy to agree." Tory said, looking triumphant.

"That's great." I said, "You won't regret it." I gave Poppy an encouraging look.

"I hope so." She said, rubbing her eyes. Tory either told her last night, keeping her awake with worry, or she woke her up really early just to persuade her into joining us. Either way Poppy didn't get enough sleep.

"So does anyone know why we don't have school tomorrow?" Dante asked. Everyone shook their head.

"No idea, but I bet it involves Professor Finns." I said.

"I hope not." Poppy said.

"Me too." Tory said.

"Do you think Tyler and Finn would mind if we started without them?" I asked, taking a seat next to Dante and taking my computer and notebook out of my bag.

"I doubt it." Tory said.

I opened my laptop, signed in, and pulled up the floor plan of the school. I rotated my laptop so that everyone could see the screen.

"What is that?" Dante asked.

"That's a map of the school, stupid." Tory said.

"Actually that's the school's blue prints. It shows a lot of things that the map of the school doesn't. This way we can find the best ways in and out of the school, in case we get separated."

"You don't actually think that will happen, do you?" Poppy asked.

"Not really, but it is better to be safe than sorry." I said. Everyone nodded in agreement.

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