Chapter 20

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I was taking notes in third hour when my mind began to wander.

It's been four days' sense Avery has taken on the role of the local "bad boy". And the whole time he stopped trying to "win me over".

I still can't believe that he thinks that I like bad boys.

I rolled my eyes at the thought of me dating someone like Dante.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of the bell ringing. I packed up my notes and slung my bag over my shoulder. I met up with Ian at my locker.

"So what are you making today, in ceramics?" I asked, when I got my math binder and closed my locker door.

"It's a surprise." He said, kissing my cheek.

"It's always a surprise." I complained.

"And it's always for you." He said, taking my hand.

I walked with him to his class and kissed him on the cheek before I said goodbye. Then I walked to my fourth period class.

Halfway through fourth period I had to go to my locker because I had grabbed the wrong binder, I needed my English binder not my Math...

Just another thing to blame Avery, I mean the new school bully, for.

When I got to my locker and made the switch I closed my locker and headed to class.

I rounded the corner and heard some yelling.

"Avery Springs, get back here right now!" Someone yelled.

I ran back behind the corner and peaked around to see Avery and Professor Day, the honors English teacher, standing in the hallway. Professor Day looked pissed.

"Why should I?" Avery said, walking toward the corner I was hiding behind. I gasped and hid around the corner, pressing myself against the wall. I held my breath and prayed that they didn't hear me.

"If you keep walking I will make sure that you are never placed into my class again." Professor Day threatened.

"Go ahead."

I heard a door slam and stomping. I peeked around the corner and saw Avery looking at his reflection through the trophy case door, muttering to himself.

He wore his sunglasses and a leather jacket, the same 50's apparel as the first time I saw him. It was weird, he wasn't Avery anymore. He wasn't even Dante, he was something new and scary.

I took a deep breath and walked around the corner. It was time I confronted the monster. I walked up to him and stood directly behind him, my arms crossed.

My heart was racing and I hoped there wasn't fear in my eyes.

"Change your mind?" He asked, fixing his hair and smiling deviously. He was referring to the offer he had made me a few days ago.

"In your dreams." I said, unamused.

"That's not the only thing that goes on in my dreams." He chuckled, taking his sun glasses off.

"You're such a pig. Look at yourself, Avery. What have you turned into? What would your parents think?"

"What did you become such a prude?"

Fairy TaleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora