Chapter 22

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I was on my way to lunch, and running pretty late thanks to Mr. Mills, when I passed Professor Finns room and heard, what sounded to me like, an argument. I stopped and listened in, because it sounded serious.

"Why can't you just use Avery? You had your chance in the Jungle." I heard someone say. The voice sounded familiar but I couldn't pin point it and I wasn't able to get a view of the person speaking without opening the door and exposing myself.

"I just can't, okay? It doesn't work that way! Just tell me she's vulnerable enough to be used." A woman said. This voice I could easily recognize as Professor Finns.

I was about to dismiss the conversation as a school assignment when the male said something that caught me off guard, "Whatever. And yes, it is all going according to plan. Soon Poppy will be vulnerable enough to sacrifice." A chill went down my spine.

Why do they need Poppy?

I grabbed my phone and turned on the video camera. Here's my proof for when I tell my friends.

"Very good, Ian." Professor Finns said, "All is going as I thought it would. You played your role very well."

"Oh thank you, ma'am. It was a very easy role to play. The real person that deserves praise on her role is you. It's amazing how easily you can trick these idiots into thinking that you're a teacher, let alone a mermaid."

As they both laughed I just froze. I don't know what's scarier the fact that Professor Finns isn't a mermaid or that Ian has been playing Poppy this whole time just to kill her. I have to let Avery know!

"Are her wings ready?" Professor Finns asked, sounding a little concerned, "I don't think I have enough magic to use if they are not matured. The formula needs matured wings."

Magic? Professor Finns is a witch!

"They may need another week. But they should be ready to use before the war." Ian said.

The war? What is going on here!

"Good, good."

All of this information was too much, my nerves were making my hands shake which was messing up the video. The conversation was still going on but I had to inform Avery before the bell rang.

I stopped recording and checked my watch to make sure I had time, then I rushed to the group table.

I got to one of the school's side doors right as the bell rang. I thought out all of my options. I could wait and hope that they came in through this door or I could wait by Avery's classroom and stop him on his way in, that is id the bad boy still goes to class.

I was making up my mind when I saw Poppy and Avery walk by. I almost had to do a double take, they were walking side by side...and not arguing!

This was weird but I was not about to let it keep me from my mission.

"Avery!" I called as I ran to catch up with him. Poppy and Avery stopped and turned around, greeting me with warm smiles.

"Hey, there you are." Avery said.

"We missed you at lunch." Poppy chimed in.

"Oh yeah, I had to stay after class." I explained.

"Oh, well make sure that you tell Tory. She was worried." Poppy said, "And she saved you some food."

"I'll do that. Hey, can I borrow him for a second." I asked, grabbing Avery's arm.

"Oh yeah, sure." Poppy said, sneaking him a quick kiss, "See you guys later." Then she turned and walked off with a skip in her step.

I waited for Poppy to round the corner, out of earshot, before I turned my attention to Avery.

"Are you two..." I asked.

"Yeah." Avery said, smiling, "I told her everything."

"Way to go." I said, smiling.

My excitement was short lived when I remembered that I needed to tell him important information. Still holding his arm, I dragged him into the boy's bathroom and, after making sure no one was there, I locked the door.

"We have a problem." I said, as I pulled my phone out of my pocket. I pulled up the video and played it for him.

"What are you talking about?" Avery asked, leaning against the wall opposite of me.

"See for yourself." I said, handing him my phone. He took it and watched. We stood in silence; except for the sound of the video. I watched as Avery's expression changed from cool, to confused, and then to frozen.

As he handed me my phone he was clearly in a state of shock.

"I don't know what to say..." He said, as he stared blankly at the floor.

"We need to do something. Protect Poppy." I said, trying to console him.

"How! I doubt the teachers would believe us if we told them that Professor Finns isn't a teacher or even a mermaid but a witch who wants to start a war!" Avery said, walking over to the sink and splashing some water onto his face.

"We have proof!" I said, waving my phone in front of his face.

They are not going to watch that! And we can't make them."

"Well why don't we stop her ourselves?" I suggested.

"Really? You have got to be joking! There's no way two students could stop a war." Avery said, dryly.

"No, not us! Us, everyone in the group. Alone were nothing but together were unstoppable!" There was a long pause, I assumed Avery was weighing his options, then Avery started laughing.

"Oh man, Dante. I really hope you're not filling me with false hope right now!" He said, still laughing.

I hope so as well...

"So are you in?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm in. But I am sure that I am going to regret this later."

"Yeah, I probably will too." I said, laughing, "I'll inform Tyler and Tory."

"Alright then I will tell Finn and somehow convince Poppy to come, so we can keep her safe." Avery said.

Great, maybe we can put a stop to this war before it starts.

"Can I go to class now? I think I'm late" Avery said, heading toward the door.

"Oh yeah, sure." I said, unlocking the door and walking out with him.

The hallway was quiet and empty; the bell must have rung while we were in the bathroom.

"We'll talk about this later, get a plan and everything together?" I asked.

"Yeah. We can discuss it on Monday, at lunch." He said, walking to class.

I'll convince Tyler tonight without breaking a sweat. Tory on the other hand won't be so easy.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted Tory, asking her to meet me at the park around seven, and walked to my class.

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