Chapter 26

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The next morning, I woke up feeling less energetic than usual and dreading the day. Mainly because today was the day that we were going to stop Professor Finns as well as break into the school.

I got out of bed, got a shower, and got dressed. I was too nervous to eat anything so I just drank some tea. Tea always helps to calm my nerves.

I waited and waited then, around 1:00, I called Poppy and left for the school, with my backpack over my shoulder.

When I got to the school everyone was sitting outside, waiting for me. It's weird to be the last one to show up for anything, I'm usually the first person to arrive.

"Hey, Avery." Everyone said, when I got to the table.

"Are you sure that you want to do this?" Tory asked, worried, "It's not too late to back out."

"Yes, I am sure." I said, trying to hide how terrified I actually was. She gave me a sympathetic smile.

I made my way over to Poppy and stood next to her.

"Alright. Now that everyone is here, I think we should go over the plan." I said, setting the school blue prints on the table, "Dante, Tory, and Poppy, you three will go around the left side of the building and head into Professor Finns office. In there I want you to find and copy and document she had on the war plans. Tyler, Finn, and I will go around the right side of the building and sneak into the front office."

"What are you going to do in there?" Tory asked.

"We're going to find Professor Finns file and hopefully find fake documents so we can turn her into the police."

"Smart." Dante said.

"Yeah, really smart." Poppy said. She smiled at me and slipped her hand into mine. I smiled back and squeezed her hand with affection. I needed the reassurance from her right now.

"So, any questions?" I asked.

"Nope." Everyone said.

"Alright." I said. Digging through my backpack, I pulled out two walkie talkies, "Here, Dante. This way the groups can stay in touch." Dante took his and nodded.

"Let's head out, guys." Dante said.

I looked at Poppy and gave her a quick hug.

"Be safe," She said.

"You too." I said, brushing some hair out of her face. I kissed her on the top of her head before she walked over to join Tory.

"Are you sure that you can do this?" Dante asked, walking up next to me.

"I have to protect Poppy." I said.

"Whatever you say." Dante said, starting to walk away.

"Hey, Dante." I said. He turned around.

"Keep her safe. You know how much she means to me and I don't want Professor Finns laying a single finger on her!"

"You got it boss." He said, mock saluting me and turning around to walk away again. I rolled my eyes at his gesture.

Keep her safe because I can't...


Authors Note: Okay so maybe I lied...this chapter wasn't as long as I thought. But I'm sure some of you aren't really complaining. I mean some of these chapters tend to get a little...okay a lot long. So you're welcome!! 

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