Chapter 11

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Fourth period was almost over, all that was left was another annoying lecture from Mrs. West about the difference of Witch grammar and Fairy grammar, I personally don't understand it and I don't think I ever will.

I looked around and, like usual, Tyler was the only one who was interested in the lecture. He was even taking notes.

Now that's what I call a dedicated student.

I took out my notebook and a pencil and started to doodle on an empty page. Unfortunately, I didn't get much time for doodling because the bell rang.

"It's about time." I said, putting my notebook back into my book bag and slinging it over my shoulder. I then met up with Tyler and walked toward the door.

"Ready for lunch?" Tyler asked, when we both walked out of the classroom.

"This is the one thing I've been waiting all day for. Well this and Mrs. Dearth's Scientific Studies class."'

"Oh yeah! Isn't she starting the study of sheltered lifestyles and non-sheltered lifestyles? That sounded pretty interesting."

"I'm glad I'm not the only one who though that!" I said, as we walked to the cafeteria.

Tyler and I talked and laughed about the sheltered vs. non-sheltered lifestyles lecture, or what we thought Mrs. Darth would talk about, while we got out food and walked to the group picnic table for lunch.

"Oh man! Now I really cannot wait for Scientific Studies." I said, sitting down next to Tory.

"I have it next period." Tyler said, sitting next to Dante on the other side of the table, "I'll tell you all about it."

"Alright...but don't tell me everything! I still want to be surprised." I said, opening my soda.

"Got it."

"You guys are such nerd." Dante said.

"You can say that again." Tory said.

They both started laughing.

"Come on guys, leave them alone. So they like school, who cares." Finn said, glancing at Tyler. Tyler looked at Finn and they both blushed.

Tory, Dante, and I pretended not to see it, it was better that judging them on not getting together.

"So you're not eating lunch with Ian?" Tory asked, "Is your relationship dead already? "Cause if it is that means we all owe Dante twenty bucks. And I would completely understand if you want to be President of the "I hate Ian" fan club. I'll gladly give it up."

"What? No! We agreed that we won't be that needy couple that's always together." I said, eating some grapes.

"Oh alright."

"Wait! Did you actually make bets?"

"Um, no..." She said.

"VICTORIA NIGHT! How could you? I thought that you joking!" I said, throwing grapes at her.

"Seriously! You have known me for how many years now? You should know that when I say something I'm more than likely going to do it!" She said, trying to dodge grapes, "Besides, it's my brother we're talking about! I'm totally going to make this bet."

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